Soilvitae Lda. is a specialist company, which provides research and consulting services on biological solutions for agriculture, building on our scientific- and biotechnological-based research experience on plant-soil-microbial interactions and soil microbiology.

We assist manufacturers with technical consulting support and research and development through every stage of development of microbial-based products for plant nutrition and health: discovery, design, development, formulation, pilot-scale production and proof of efficacy.

Soilvitae offers the following services:

  • Design and product development of:

    • microbial consortia for plant nutrition and plant disease protection

    • improvement of biological products/solutions of clients (e.g. improving microbial activities or biological functions, finding other uses for existing products, etc.).

  • Field trial efficacy and biological evaluation of the mode of action of biological products/solutions of clients, through:

    • field assays

    • greenhouse assays

    • microbial and plant analysis

  • Scientific and technical consulting on:

    • assessment of biological solutions and biological raw materials

    • guidance on field and greenhouse trials

    • interpretation of analytical data

    • advice on product registration issues.

The company was founded in 2014 and is based in Lisbon, Portugal. It is currently incubated at the University of Lisbon's Teclabs.

Contact us on:

Telephone: (+351) 966 563 915



Soilvitae Lda.

Tec Labs – Centro de Inovação

Campus da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Campo Grande

1749-016 Lisboa


Find us here.

Versão portuguesa
