Reg Adams Bio


· Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

  PhD., Experimental Social Psychology, November, 2002

· University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

   B.A., Psychology, May 1994


· The Pennsylvania State University, Professor of Psychology, 2018-present

· The Pennsylvania State University, Associate Professor of Psychology, 2012-present 

· The Pennsylvania State University, Assistant Professor of Psychology, 2006-2012 

· Harvard & Tufts Universities, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, 2002-2006 

· University of Virginia, Post-Graduate Research Fellow and Research Coordinator, 1996-1998


· National Science Foundation (CISE Community Research Infrastructure Program CCRI: Planning: Award #1921783). Planning to develop a body language dataset for the artificial intelligence research community. Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Wang), 2019-2021.


· National Institute of Mental Health (Award #1 R01 MH101194-01A1). Neurodynamics of compound threat cue perception. Principal Investigator of subcontract (MGH PI: Kveraga). 2014-2020.  


· National Science Foundation (SoCS: Award #1110970). Studying the computability of emotions by harnessing massive data sets. Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Wang), 2011-2017.

· National Institute of Mental Health (Award #1 R21 MH099617-01). Prenatal androgen effects on sex-related neural processing of reward and threat. Co-Investigator (PI: Berenbaum), 2013-2015.

· National Institute of Aging (New Investigator, Award #1R01AG035028-01). A wrinkle in time: The perception of expressions in the elderly. Principal Investigator (Multiple PI), 2011-2014.

· National Science Foundation (SoCS: Award #1110970): Studying the computability of emotions by harnessing massive data sets. Co-Principal Investigator, 2011-2014.

· National Science Foundation Grant (Award #0544533). The functional equivalence ofmorphological and expressive cues of dominance and affiliation. Co-Principal Investigator, 2006-2010.

· Social Science Research Institute (Penn State). Black and blue: Negotiating stereotype threat and racial discrimination in policing contexts. Collaborating Investigator, 8/2007-11/2008.

· National Institute of Mental Health, National Research Service Award, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, (Award #1F32MH067294-01). Effect of perceived gaze direction on emotion Processing. Principal Investigator, 2002-2005. 

· National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (Award #0121947). Gaze direction and facial affect: An fMRI investigation. Principal Investigator, 2001-2002.

· Presidential Fellowship, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College,1998.



· Professor of the Year, Psi Chi National Honors Society, Department of Psychology, Penn State

   University, 2019


· Fellow, Association for Psychological Science (APS), 2017

  · Roy C. Buck Award for best social science paper in the College of Liberal Arts authored by a pre-tenure faculty member, The Pennsylvania State University, 2012

· Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, 2010

· SAGE Young Scholar Award, Foundation for Social and Personality Psychology and SAGE Publications, 2010

  ·  Professor of the Year, Psi Chi National Honors Society, Department of Psychology, Penn State University, 2008

  ·  Derek Bok Certificate of Distinction for Teaching, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, 2004

  ·  James McKeen Cattell Dissertation Award, Finalist and Honorable Mention, New York Academy of Sciences, 2003

  · Marie Center Award for Excellence in Graduate Research, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, 2002

  · Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation, 1998

  · Graduate of High Distinction, School of Arts & Sciences, University of Virginia, 1994

  · Annual Undergraduate Research Award, Arts & Sciences, University of Virginia, 1994