SMS Team 7-1 Homework Calendar -- More Team Information if you scroll past the calendar. 

ELA = Gray
Science = Red
Math 7 = Orange
Advanced Math = Green
Social Studies = Purple

South Middle Team 7-1

Team Teachers:

Math: Mr Baum

Science: Mrs. Sanders

Social Studies: Ms. Machens

English Language Arts: Ms. Grant

 School Phone Number: (636) 281-0776

When Checking TylerSIS/Parent Portal:

Over the summer of 2016, Parent Portal received an upgrade. Before this year, if a teacher created an assignment in their grade book, parents wouldn't see it until the teacher added a grade. As of the 2016-2017 school year, parents can see all assignments a teacher adds to their grade book whether they have added grades for that assignment or not. Some teachers add assignments ahead of time to plan for the quarter. If you are looking at a "Missing" grade in Parent Portal, but it doesn't have a "0%" as the percentage grade, then it is not really "Missing". It is a grade that will be coming soon.

Confused about a grade? 

At the bottom left corner of Parent Portal when looking at grades, there is a circle that says, "Expand All". When you click this circle, you can read any comments that a teacher has added to their grade book for that particular assignment.

Parents: When we look at texts, I will be encouraging the students to "annotate" them. Annotating means highlighting important details, writing notes, and writing questions that the student ponders as they read. The notes and questions can go on the pages itself, in the margins or near the text. These annotations will add to our discussions of the materials in class. This is a work in progress for us, and this is a skill I know they will use in eighth grade and in high school classes. There is no set number of annotations, but several of each (highlights, notes, and questions) on a page would be a good start. We want students to start looking at the text more deeply. Not just, "What happened," but instead, "Why did the author choose to write it this way? What is the author trying to tell us about their world?" If your student is working from a packet, It is very likely that I have asked them to annotate the reading selection. This also means we will use a highlighter in class often. Please check with your student to make sure they have a highlighter. 

            In 7th grade we do a lot of work with "inferencing." When you make an inference, you use clues from the story to figure out something that the author doesn't tell you through dialogue or written explanation.  If you have a friend or relative who is great at figuring out "twist endings" or half way through a show says things like, "I could write this stuff!" they are great at inferencing.  

            To practice this, when reading stories or watching TV or a movie, pause it after watching the first third of the program. Ask your student to explain what the "problem" is and how they believe it will be solved.  Then, ask your student WHY the characters are doing the things they do.  The characters' motivations are not always stated aloud, but are inferred.  This is an easy way to practice inferencing. Plus, If they watch the rest of the selected program, they can see if they were right. Make it a game to see if you or your child is better at inferencing. Have a conversation (maybe over a bowl of ice cream) about who won and why. I'm sure your child would be happy to "keep score" for you. :) 

When writing paragraphs, we use the RACE2R paragraph method:                "RACE2R" Paragraph          

 "R" for Restate the Question          

"A" for Answer the Question

"C" for Cite your Textual Evidence (Using the TSQ Technique T=Transition, S=Situation, & Q=Quote from the text with Citation)

"E2" for Explain & Expand -- 2 sentences

"R" for Reflect as you Conclude

Use pages 1 & 2 of the ELA Handbook to help you!

Get "in the know" with your local

 St. Charles City-County or St. Louis County Libraries!

Math -- Mr. Baum 

Social Studies -- Ms. Machens 

At Home Login Username: FZSMS

At Home Login Password: mustangs

Science -- Mrs. Sanders

 Textbook (use your school email and password to login)

Daily updates and classwork will be posted in the google classroom stream.  If you were absent, or need to know what to have in your planner, please check there!

 Ideas to try if your student is finding organization and assignment completion a challenge:

 **Monitor assignment book daily and provide daily consequences. The method of providing daily rewards for successful completion or daily loss of privileges for being incomplete has been found effective for this age level. This allows the student to start fresh each day.

 **Utilize website to verify assignments and check for up-coming tests.

 ** Require homework to be brought home daily even if it's complete and check answers for accuracy.

 ** Be proactive in emailing teachers anytime you want an update on grades, behaviors, and assignment completion. Also, register for the Parent Portal to access your students grade book from your home computer.

 ** Start off the year firm then, after the routine has become a habit, allow more freedom.

 ** Pick one day each week to prompt the student to reorganize and clean out folders and binders.

 ** Have students return to school to retrieve forgotten materials. During the week, the building is open until 8:00 PM.



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