SLA 10th Graders' Plays about Hope, Resistance, & Change

10th Graders at Science Leadership Academy have been working with Kate McGrath from Philadelphia Young Playwrights on a five month playwrighting project. During this time students researched Enlightenment Philosophers and investigated the evolution of ideas of human rights. Then students choose an issue and a location to focus on. They researched and began crafting monologues that focused on one or more of our essential questions:

1) How do people find hope in the face of struggle?

2) How do people find ways to resist power?

3) How does individual change happen?

Throughout the winter students wrote, revised, heard their work out loud, got feedback, wrote, revised, heard their work out loud, got feedback…

The finished plays are the product of many, many hours of hard work.

This whole process could not have succeeded without the tireless efforts of Kate McGrath, play advisor extraordinaire. Thanks Kate!

Please enjoy the scripts and the videos in the links on the sidebar.