
Mark Richards at Trial

During Trial

True Crime with an Alien Twist.

"I have never spoken or written a word over the last three decades that I didn’t expect people to question." – Mark Richards

This site explores the world of Mark Richards -- a prisoner serving a life sentence for the murder of Richard Baldwin. It became known as the Pendragon Plot, a murder in Camelot that was meant to establish an Arthurian kingdom. Years after the crime he presented claims of a remarkable family history and service as a captain in the secret space program.

Mark tells about alien raptors who love chocolate and antiques. We learn of galactic intrigue and battles in space and on earth.

What should be made of his claims? Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot) believes Mark to be one of the major whistleblowers and a national treasure. Ultimately, this must be measured against what is known about his life story, drawn by news reports, the trial record, and continuing research.

Our exploration of this story brings us to who Mark Richards has been -- and who he is. At its most basic level it is about the importance of belief and the standards of evidence. It can also be read as an exploration into true crime or space adventure.

For full information on the saga of Mark Richards please visit our full website:


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"Documenting Captain Mark Richards since 2011"