Xinchao Wang

Assistant Professor @ NUS, CDE, ECE

Director of Learning and Vision Lab (LV Lab)

We are always looking for 

on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Vision. 

Simplicity is the final achievement. --- Frederic Chopin

Cache or Hash

Training-free solutions for speeding up Generative AI.

DeepCache: Accelerating Diffusion Models for Free [Paper] [Code]

Hash3D: Training-free Acceleration for 3D Generation [Paper] [Code]



I am currently a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of ECE, National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining NUS, I was an assistant professor in the Department of CS, Stevens Institute of Technology. Before joining Stevens, I was a Postdoc at the Image Formation and Professing (IFP) group at Beckman Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). I received my Ph.D. from the Computer Vision Lab, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and the first-class honorable B.Sc. in Dept. of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) in 2010.

 [Google Scholar] [DBLP]

Education and Postdoc



Publications (selected) in 2023 

Please see the full list here:

*indicates our student or research fellow