
McAfee Antivirus is the world’s highly used Antivirus programs that remove the malware and infection and avoids the chances of security threats and identity theft to ever occur on your device. Download mcafee today from www.mcafee.com/activate with the help of product key or 25 digit mcafee activation code. Check steps to download, install or activate mcafee antivirus.

What is Mcafee Activation Code?

McAfee product key is known as McAfee activation code. The product key is a combination of 25 alphanumeric digits, five batches of five letters in each. It looks like: XXXXX- XXXXX- XXXXX- XXXXX- XXXXX

The location of McAfee activation code depends on how you purchased McAfee activate. McAfee antivirus can be purchased from a retail store as well as from a retail site. If you have a McAfee retail card, then the mcafee activation code is on the back side of the card. Or else McAfee also sends activation code online via email.

How to download mcafee from mcafee.com/activate?

  1. Visit mcafee.com/activate
  2. Click on My Account and Sign-in and fill your Email credentials.
  3. Enter your McAfee activate 25 digit code .
  4. Go to subscription and select the product you want to download
  5. Select your operating system and Click Save and choose the downloading folder.
  6. Mcafee activate setup file will be downloaded in your system.

Steps to install mcafee antivirus

  1. Double click on the downloaded file
  2. Read & accept the License Agreements.
  3. Follow all the instructions for installing McAfee software
  4. After the dialog box confirms successful installation,
  5. McAfee software will start and the icon appears on the desktop.