
McAfee Antivirus is developed by an American security software company-McAfee LLC. It plays an important role in protecting Windows PC, Mac, Android and iPhone from malware and viruses. Get protected with McAfee antivirus on your device with a few easy steps. Enter the activation code in the webpage mcafee.com/activate, sign in, and get the McAfee setup.

How to download and install McAfee?

To use McAfee antivirus on a computer, you need to activate it on your computer, to do so.

  • Enter your activation code on mcafee.com/activate.
  • Log in to your McAfee account.
  • Download McAfee antivirus.
  • Start installing McAfee antivirus.
  • Follow the screen prompts.
  • Check the protection level.
  • Then set the firewall on your device.
  • Now, scan your device for complete protection.

Where to enter the McAfee product key?

McAfee product key or activation code is required to activate a McAfee product.

  1. Go to www.mcafee.com/activate.
  2. Enter the 25 alphanumeric digits of your product key.
  3. Log in to your McAfee account.
  4. Your computer is now protected.

How do I renew McAfee subscription with product key?

  1. Get the mouse over “My account”
  2. Click sign in from the list of options.
  3. Type your registered email address.
  4. Type the password.
  5. After that click “log in”
  6. Take the mouse over “My account”
  7. Then select subscription.
  8. Click renew for appropriate service.