Overview of this project
SIPO patents matched to Chinese listed firms (“Main Board”): completed; freely available
SIPO patents matched to firms in China's Annual Survey of Industrial Enterprises (ASIE): completed; freely available
SIPO patents matched to U.S. multinational enterprises: looking for collaboration
USPTO/EPO/WIPO patents matched to Chinese applicants: looking for collaboration
SIPO patents matched to Chinese listed firms on the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Board and the Growth Enterprise Board (“Second Board”): looking for collaboration
The "You need permission" error associated with the links for the SIPO patents matched to Chinese listed firms has been fixed. Users won't need to "Request Access" to download the files. Please email yzhang54[at]tulane.edu if you still experience this issue. (posted 11/06/2022 by Yuchen Zhang).
Google Sites is migrating to a newer version. Thus, the site is under refactoring. Please follow this link to the alternative data repository for downloading. (posted 10/11/2021 by Yuchen Zhang).
We are patching the SIPO - ASIE matching project with matched patents' application and publication numbers to facilitate the joint use of our database and other patent data sources. (posted 08/22/2019 by Yuchen Zhang).
Our paper documenting the matching of SIPO patents to ASIE firms was accepted for publication in Nature Scientific Data. Please visit this link for the paper. (posted 03/27/2018 by Yuchen Zhang).
In response to requests for the corporate tree data files constructed for Chinese-listed firms, we are sharing the data on the SIPO - Chinese listed firms tab. (posted 03/28/2017 by Yuchen Zhang)
Chinese Patent Data Project is now using the Harvard Dataverse as another repository for all project-related files. The repository can be accessed here. (posted 12/13/2016 by Yuchen Zhang)
SIPO patent data matched to ASIE firms are available for download. Please visit the SIPO - ASIE firms tab for detailed information and data download links. (posted 11/23/2016 by Yuchen Zhang)
Our paper documenting the matching of SIPO patents to Chinese listed firms and their subsidiaries was accepted for publication in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. Please visit the SIPO - Chinese listed firms tab for a copy of the working paper version. (posted 11/08/2016 by Yuchen Zhang)
Three new columns (Columns P, Q , and R) indicating the “Application date”, “Grant status”, and “Grant date” for each of the 222,651 matched patents have been added to the “Matched Patents” file on the SIPO - Chinese listed firms tab. (posted 04/20/2014 by Yuchen Zhang)
A new column (Column D) indicating the English names of the listed companies is added to the “Calculated Variables” file on the SIPO - Chinese listed firms tab. We thank Professor Bronwyn Hall for this suggestion. (posted 03/01/2014 by Yuchen Zhang)
Currently, SIPO patent data for 1990-2010 matched to Chinese listed companies and subsidiaries are available for download. Please visit the SIPO - Chinese listed firms tab for detailed information and data download links. (posted 09/17/2013 by Yuchen Zhang)