simple wisdom sutra

americ azevedo, philosopher-at-large

    • Dialogue & Knowledge

        • Socrates mastered dialogue.

            • Socrates' dialogues freely moved towards truth.

            • Truth has no agenda - it just is.

            • Socrates was used by Plato to support Plato's own arguments.

        • Each of us knows so little; others may help us gain a greater view.

        • Adjust worldviews - incorporating greater information, knowledge, and wisdom.

        • The perfect dialogue ends in silence.

        • Disciplinary knowledge is well-structured information supporting presentation and memorization.

        • Transdisciplinary knowledge takes a step toward wisdom; it's meaningful knowledge without borders.

        • David Bohm, as an older man and retired physicist, championed the use of dialogue to renew our social life.

    • Life - from birth to death

        • Life is not fair, it's up to us to make it just.

            • Where we are born is a lottary. Could be born anywhere to anyone.

            • Because birth is a lotto, social justice is a good idea.

    • Time, Money and Love

        • Time flies by like a river torrent of water.

            • When we are young, the summers seem long; when we are old, the summers are short.

        • By foreseeing our own death, we may live more fully today.

        • When we awaken to who we really are, the paradox of time, money and life is transcended into unity.

        • Shifting from time to eternity is "stopping the world" here and now.

        • Money is totally abstract, but is real because humans live by abstractions.

        • Love is all that is real - not time, not money.

          • Time is not real; it's what we make of time in our lives that is real.

          • There is only love. Everything else is illusion.

        • Laughter happens at the moment of surrender into the eye of a paradox.

    • Peace on Earth, Golden Rules, and World Religions

      • Justice is a basic condition of peace.

          • I cannot be truly happy, forfilled or enlightened until everyone else is. Justice allows it to be "on earth as in heaven".

      • If God is real, then we belong to all true religions.

          • Human words do not matter. It's the connection to God reality that matters.

      • Stopping every hour on the hour. Allow deep intuition to inform life.

      • Know when you have worked enough. Be free from the desire to always work the earth past its limits.

    • Physics & Mysticism

      • Both mystics and physicists speak of fundamental reality.

        • A mystic’s eyes “see” light or pure energy as well as things. Taking de-light, “of the light”, while seeing, hearing, and feeling.

        • The differences are in the use of reason and direct intuition.

        • Physics seems to favor reason, but needs intuition to find reasons.

        • Mystics favor intuition, but use reason to focus intuition.

        • What can be spoken is what language allows us to say. There's a lot more beyond language.

      • There is a deep inner transcendental pleasure in both physics and mystics.

      • I imagined myself a photon of light is traveling through spacetime. It's quiet, still, and magical.

      • Cosmos

          • You are at the center of the cosmos, and so is everyone else.

      • Matter is coded with intelligence; otherwise, physics would not exist.

          • DNA molecules are codes for living patterns.

          • Atomic numbers, electrons and protons, are codes that determine DNA patterns.

          • All the way down to quarks and "whatevers" there are codes for patterns of substance leading to us!

          • Because of intelligence in us, we reflect back on Universe and find order and pattern.

      • The quantum level informs (gives form to) the cosmos. Biggest and smallest meet. This is mystical.

    • Computing and Consciousness

        • Networked world

            • Computing and telecommunications are now fussed together. It's a networked world. This means that "far" and "near" are not distinct any more. Nor, is past, present, and future distinct.

        • Computers & robots progressively manifest aspects of human intelligence and purpose.

        • Are we a link to a trans-human species? Builders of our own superiors?

        • Computers took away from us the burdern of endless calculations.

        • The day is coming when these calculations will be so fast and so many, that we will feel that computers are thinking, conscious beings.

    • Nonviolence

        • Nonviolence is one of the "great ideas" - generative ideas that transform our world over time. Acting, as if an unstoppable force of creation.

        • Nonviolence, ahimsa in Sanskrit, is the first principle in the Jain religion.

        • Nonviolence is learned by way of meditation.

    • Meditation

        • Coming to a moment of silence at least twice a day improves life in unexpected ways.

        • There are many, many ways to meditate. Allows methods to change as you change.

            • Follow your breath; let go of thoughts as they arise.

        • Everyday, take awareness breaks to reflect back on our own states of consciousness.

            • It's been said that Bill Gate's watch chimes every hour - so that he can remember to take inventory of what he is going.

        • The practice of meditation leads to a life of constant meditation, constant being-here-and-now. That is fully living; fully being here for life. "Life abundant", as Jesus suggested.

        • Home is being dynamically at rest within ourselves; in contrast to the world, where there is no rest from a sense of darting around.

    • Enlightenment

        • Enlightenment does not need meditation to happen - for it is already with us from the beginning but is usually covered up. Meditation is merely a way of cleaning the mind so that the true light that is already us can shine through.

        • Being enlightened is being ultimately lazy. Many of us feel so guilty that we cannot allow life to be really easy, lazy.

        • With wisdom comes a vast vision and deep feeling - of wholeness.

        • With wisdom "ignorance is bliss", but without wisdom "ignorance is hell".

        • Understanding information gives knowledge / understanding knowledge gives insight / understanding ignorance gives wisdom.

        • Let go of all readings and oral teachings. In the end, the vehicle of liberation must also be dropped.

        • Enlightenment is nothing at all, yet it is everything. We live between "yes" and "no" - beyond all distinctions. Free.

    • Copyright 2007-2016 by Americ Azevedo. Updated almost frequently.