Alpine Glacier Chronologies - Brooks Range, AK

Despite how remote the Brooks Range in northern Alaska is, it is perhaps not too surprising that geologists, glaciologists, and (more recently) paleoclimatologists have been drawn to these dramatic peaks and valleys for many decades. While working at the University of Buffalo with Dr. Jason Briner, I cut my cosmogenic radionuclide teeth reconstructing Late Pleistocene and Holocene glacier activity across the central Brooks Range. Using erratic boulders deposited by retreating valley glaciers, we were able to show that deglaciation was rapid and largely synchronous across the central Brooks Range following the Last Glacial Maximum (Pendleton et al., 2015). Moraine boulders from more recent Holocene glacier readvances constrain the timing of glacier regrowth following deglaciation (Pendleton et al., 2017).