Last Updated: January 2025
SIM Chee Khian/SIM Chee-Khian
Senior Lecturer
12/2017 to Present
+44 (0)23 9284 6788
School of Mathematics and Physics
University of Portsmouth
Lion Gate Building, Lion Terrace
Portsmouth, PO1 3HF
United Kingdom
Previous Academic-Related Positions Held
University of Portsmouth, U.K.
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Decision Sciences
Research Fellow, Department of Decision Sciences
Research Engineer, Department of Decision Sciences
Part-time Graduate Tutor, Department of Mathematics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics
The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific, Singapore
Research Fellow
University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Ph.D. in Mathematics (2005). Specialized in Optimization
Postgraduate Diploma in Systems Analysis (1999)
B.Sc. (with Honors) in Mathematics (1993)
University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.
M.Sc. in Mathematics (1997). Specialized in Optimization
Honors & Awards
Biography included in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2011
A*STAR Graduate Fellowship, Singapore
NUS Research Scholarship, Singapore
University of Washington Teaching Assistantship, U.S.A.
Professional Membership
Member, The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications - 02/2020 to present
Member, The OR Society - 10/2016 to present
Fellow, The Higher Education Academy - 10/2015 to present
Member, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences - 08/2012 to 12/2012
Member, The Hong Kong Mathematical Society - 06/2010 to 06/2012
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - 10/2009 to 12/2013
Research Interests
First and second order methods to solve optimization problems, such as, subgradient methods on convex/nonconvex optimization problems and interior point methods on conic optimization problems.
Supply chain optimization, in particular, optimal inventory management.
Teaching/Supervisory Experience
Co-supervisor of a Ph.D. student.
Supervisor of projects by M.Sc. (in Logistics and Supply Chain Management) and B.Sc. students.
Lecturer for undergraduate courses on Calculus, Linear Algebra, Operations Research Methods, Ordinary Differential Equations, Simulation, and graduate courses on Graphs and Networks, Decision Analysis, Simulation.
Tutor for beginning level mathematics courses, as well as, business analytics courses.
Industrial Experience
Led and completed two systems interfaces migration from an old to a new platform.
Did reverse-engineering to produce functional documentations for IT systems.
Maintained IT systems, conducted user acceptance testings with users, and also did unit and system testings.
Professional Activities
Invited reviewer for Mathematical Reviews
Journal Referee:
Annals of Operations Research; Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research; Computational Optimization and Applications; EURO Journal on Computational Optimization; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; International Journal of Production Economics; Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization; Journal of the Operational Research Society; Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications; Mathematical Methods of Operations Research; Mathematical Programming; Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization; Optimization; Optimization Letters; Optimization Methods and Software; Pacific Journal on Optimization; RAIRO - Operations Research; SIAM Journal on Optimization.
Presentations Given (since 2015):
"Superlinear convergence of an interior point algorithm on linear semi-definite feasibility problems", 30 minutes presentation, 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2024) , Montreal, Canada, July 2024.
"Semi-definite programming: Superlinear convergence of an infeasible interior point algorithm", 1 hour presentation, ERGO Seminar, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K., January 2023.
"Relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method to find the zero of the sum of two maximal strongly monotone operators: Convergence and its rates", 20 minutes presentation, 19th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Caparica, Portugal, July 2022.
"Maximal (strong) monotonicity and the relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method to find the zero of the sum of two maximal strongly monotone operators", 1 hour presentation, SMAP Colloquium, University of Portsmouth, Porstmouth, U.K., March 2022.
"FISTA variants on nonconvex composite optimisation problems", 20 minutes presentation, OR63 Annual Conference, virtual, September 2021.
"FISTA variants on nonconvex composite optimisation problems", 30 minutes presentation, 3rd IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research, virtual, April 2021.
"Policies for inventory models with product returns forecast from past demands and past sales", 20 minutes presentation, OR61 Annual Conference, Canterbury, U.K., September 2019.
"Polynomial complexity and local convergence of an interior point algorithm on semi-definite linear complementarity problems", 25 minutes presentation, 6th International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT 2019) , Berlin, Germany, August 2019.
"Relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method: Convergence study", 20 minutes presentation, 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2018) , Bordeaux, France, July 2018.
"Forecasting product returns from past demands: Effect on optimal inventory policy and system cost", 20 minutes presentation, OR59 Annual Conference, Loughborough, U.K., September 2017.
"Relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method on the sum of two maximal strongly monotone operators: Convergence study", 20 minutes presentation, 21st Triennial Conference for the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS2017) , Quebec City, Canada, July 2017.
"Inventory systems with two types of product sharing a common hardware platform: Optimal policy in the finite and infinite horizon settings", 1 hour presentation, OR Seminar, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K., December 2016.
"On solving an application-based completely positive program of size 3 with further results", 20 minutes presentation, 14th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Warsaw, Poland, July 2016.
"On solving an application-based completely positive program of size 3 with further results", 1 hour presentation, ERGO Seminar, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K., March 2016.
"Distributionally robust newsvendor problem", 15 minutes presentation, CORL 2nd Annual Research and Innovation Event, Portsmouth, U.K., July 2015.
"On finding a generalised lowest rank solution to a linear semi-definite feasibility problem", 30 minutes presentation, 13th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Edinburgh, U.K., July 2015.
Refereed Publications:
C.-K. Sim, "Superlinear convergence of an interior point algorithm on linear semi-definite feasibility problems", Optimization Methods and Software, published online, September 2024.
C.-K. Sim, "Convergence rates for the relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method on a monotone inclusion problem", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 196(2023), pp. 298-323. [Title of paper when accepted and before editorial process - Solution to a monotone inclusion problem using the relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method: Convergence and its rates]
J. Liang, R.D.C. Monteiro & C.-K. Sim, "A FISTA-type accelerated gradient algorithm for solving smooth nonconvex composite optimization problems", Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 79(2021), pp. 649-679.
M. Chou, C.-K. Sim & X.-M. Yuan, "Policies for inventory models with product returns forecast from past demands and past sales ", Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 288(2020), pp. 137-180.
C.-K. Sim, "Interior point method on semi-definite linear complementarity problems using the Nesterov-Todd (NT) search direction: Polynomial complexity and local convergence ", Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 74(2019), pp. 583-621.
R.D.C. Monteiro & C.-K. Sim, "Complexity of the relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method for the sum of two maximal strongly monotone operators", Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 70(2018), pp. 763-790.
Q. Fu, C.-K. Sim & C.-P. Teo, "Profit sharing agreements in decentralized supply chains: A distributionally robust approach", Operations Research, Vol. 66(2018), pp. 500-513.
M. Chou, C.-K. Sim & X.-M. Yuan, "Infinite horizon optimal policy for an inventory system with two types of product sharing common hardware platforms", Operations Research Letters, Vol. 45(2017), pp. 12-18.
Y. Hu, C.-K. Sim & X. Yang, "A subgradient method based on gradient sampling for solving convex optimization problems", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 36(2015), pp. 1559-1584.
C.-K. Sim, "On finding a generalized lowest rank solution to a linear semi-definite feasibility problem", Operations Research Letters, Vol. 43(2015), pp. 334-338.
Y. Hu, X. Yang & C.-K. Sim, "Inexact subgradient methods for quasi-convex optimization problems", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240(2015), pp. 315–327.
M. Chou, C.-K. Sim & X.-M. Yuan, "Optimal policies for inventory systems with two types of product sharing common hardware platforms: Single period and finite horizon", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 224(2013), pp. 283-292.
E.P. Chew, L.H. Lee & C.-K. Sim, "The impact of supply chain visibility when lead time is random", OR Spectrum, Vol. 35(2013), pp. 163-190.
M. Chou, C.-K. Sim, C.-P. Teo & H. Zheng, "Newsvendor pricing problem in a two-sided market", Production and Operations Management, Vol. 21(2012), pp. 204-208.
C.-K. Sim, "Superlinear convergence of an infeasible predictor-corrector path-following interior point algorithm for a semidefinite linear complementarity problem using the Helmberg-Kojima-Monteiro direction", SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 21(2011), pp. 102-126.
C.-K. Sim, "Asymptotic behavior of underlying NT paths in interior point methods for monotone semidefinite linear complementarity problems", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 148(2011), pp. 79-106.
C.-K. Sim, "On the analyticity of underlying HKM paths for monotone semidefinite linear complementarity problems", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 141(2009), pp. 193-215.
C.-K. Sim & G. Zhao, "Asymptotic behavior of Helmberg-Kojima-Monteiro (HKM) paths in interior-point methods for monotone semidefinite linear complementarity problems: General theory", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 137(2008), pp. 11-25.
C.-K. Sim & G. Zhao, "Underlying paths in interior point methods for the monotone semidefinite linear complementarity problem", Mathematical Programming, Series A, Vol. 110(2007), pp. 475-499.
C.-K. Sim, J. Sun & D. Ralph, "A note on the lipschitz continuity of the gradient of the squared norm of the matrix-valued Fischer-Burmeister function", Mathematical Programming, Series A, Vol. 107(2006), pp. 547-553.
C.-K. Sim & G. Zhao, "A note on treating a second order cone program as a special case of a semidefinite program", Mathematical Programming, Series A, Vol. 102(2005), pp. 609-613.
Conference Papers:
C.-K. Sim, "Second order cone prograrm in relation to interior point method", International Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computation (IC-SEC'04), June 2004.
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Small Grant, July 2024
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Small Grant, July 2022
London Mathematical Society Research in Pairs (Scheme 4), February 2018
Technical Notes
Reduction from the partition problem: Dynamic lot sizing problem with polynomial complexity [05 December 2024; last update: 07 January 2025].
A note on the general solution to an nth-order homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation [01 March 2024].
A note on the solution to a system of first order homogeneous ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients [11 July 2023].
A o(1/ρ2)-first order algorithm on composite nonconvex optimization problems [23 January 2021].
A note on convergence using the relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method on the sum of two maximal strongly monotone operators [12 August 2020].
Dynamic lot sizing model with the same demand in each period [30 March 2020].
A FISTA-type first order algorithm on nonconvex composite programs [20 June 2019].
A note on the Prim's algorithm [30 June 2017; last update: 05 October 2024].
Linear conic optimization problems: A sufficient condition for strong duality [23 December 2015].
A note on strong duality and complementary slackness [27 August 2015].
The primal simplex method and the dual linear program [02 November 2013].
Computer Experience:
Operating systems: Windows; Unix
Computer languages exposed to: Cobol; C; Visual Basic; Java; SQL; HTML
Mathematical softwares: Matlab; Latex
Simulation softwares: Micro Saint Sharp; Simul8
English; Mandarin