What is Sarcoidosis ? >>
Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects one or more organs but most commonly affects the lungs and lymph glands.
As a result of the inflammation, abnormal lumps or nodules (called granulomas) form in one or more organs of the body.These granulomas may change the normal structure and possibly the function of the affected organ(s).
What causes sarcoidosis?
The exact cause of sarcoidosis is not known. The disease can appear suddenly and then disappear, or it can develop gradually and produce symptoms that come and go for a lifetime.
Researchers believe that the disease is caused by an abnormal immune response. (The body’s defense system does not react as it should to a foreign substance "intruder.") In a healthy person, inflammation occurs as the cells of the body’s immune system come together to fight the intruder at an organ or tissue site. In a person with sarcoidosis, however, cells that come to fight end up clumping together into small lumps called granulomas.
It’s still uncertain which foreign substance "triggers" the body’s abnormal response. Some researchers suggest that fungi, viruses, or bacteria are likely triggers. In fact, cases of sarcoidosis have occurred in groups of people who had close contact with each other, as well as in recipients of heart, lung and bone marrow transplants. But, so far, no data have been able to convincingly and consistently establish this "infectious" connection as the cause of the disease. However, some types of bacteria have recently emerged as possible candidates and continue to be closely studied.
Sarcoidosis improved after implants were removed
Doctors at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine report that for a woman with debilitating multisystem sarcoidosis (multi-organ granulomas), her clinical condition dramatically improved, after her silicone implants were removed. >>
Scientific evidence proves that silicone breast implants can produce autoimmune illnesses. >>
Scientific research Sarcoïdosis >>