About Me

Welcome to my homepage! I am a cryptographer and a staff researcher at IBM Research India. My research interests are in theoretical and applied cryptography, with recent focus on quantum-safe cryptography and privacy-preserving computation.

Prior to joining IBM Research, I was a full-time staff researcher at VISA Research USA (Nov 2020-Dec 2021). I have held also positions as a postdoctoral fellow in the Applied Cryptography Group, ETH Zurich (Nov 2019-Oct 2020, hosted by Prof. Kenny Paterson), and as a research associate in the CrIS lab, IISc Bangalore (Sep 2019-Oct 2019, hosted by Prof. Arpita Patra).

I received my B.Tech in 2015 and PhD in 2019 from IIT Kharagpur. I was very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay.

I am a young associate of the the Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc) and the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) , and serve on the Eminent Speaker Panel of ACM India. My research has  also been recognized by an IACR best paper (by early career authors) award at ASIACRYPT 2022, an IBM PhD fellowship, and a Qualcomm Research Innovation Fellowship. 

I help co-organize the Bangalore Crypto Day (BCD) - a recurring one-day workshop-style gathering about cryptography and related research, held at different locations in Bangalore. Please reach out to me if you are in Bangalore and are interested to give a talk on crypto/security or related topics. 

Contact Details: 

IBM Research website

Resume (Last updated: January 2025)