

KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Leonhardstrasse 21, LEE G301, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland, siegenthaler@kof.ethz.ch, Tel. +41 44 633 93 67

Here is my personal KOF Webpage and my Google Scholar profile.

About me

I am head of the research division Swiss labor market and tenured professor (adjunct professor) at KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich. I am also a Research Affiliate of the Immigration Policy Lab at ETH and a Research Fellow of the Institute of Labor Economics IZA. I received a PhD from ETH Zurich, a Master of Science in Economics, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Bern. 

My research interests are in the areas of labor economics and migration. A recurring topic is the factors and policies that shape firms' demand for workers. Using innovative data sources and rigorous empirical methods, I have studied the effects of minimum wages, immigration restrictions, short-time work, and exchange rates on labor demand. My position entails policy advising, forecasting, and media work. 


In a new policy report, we analyze long-term trends in hours worked, productivity, and wages in Switzerland. A key contribution is that we document the trends in the time use of individuals and households in Switzerland.

In another report, we use large-scale online vacancy data to characterize the skill shortages on the labor market in Switzerland.

We published a new dashboard that provides weekly indices of unique online job postings for Switzerland, covering essentially the full Swiss job market. Check it out: http://swissjobtracker.ch/#/