Other research funding


Mirror symmetry and geometric models in algebra

Royal Society Newton International Fellowship for Yadira Valdivieso-Diaz, NIF\R1\180959, February 2019 - January 2021,

UK researcher, Grant Value: GBP 95,000

Graphs in Representation Theory

EPSRC Fellowship EP/P016294/1, (Leicester), May 2017 - April 2022,

Fellow, Grant Value: GBP 1,015,963 (£1.2m FEC)

Geometric representations of cluster categories, Brauer graph algebras and RNA secondary structures

EPSRC Research Project EP/K026364/1, (Leicester), September 2013 - August 2015,

Principal Investigator, Grant value: GBP 100,006


Representation Theory in Dynamical Systems

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, (Leicester), 2008 - 2012

Principal Investigator, Grant value: GBP 95,000


Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type and Associated Algebras

Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, (Oxford), 2004 - 2006

Principal Investigator (Host: Karin Erdmann), Grant value: Euros 153,000