
Shushu Liao

I am an Assistant Professor of (Corporate) Finance at the Kühne Logistics University (KLU) in Hamburg, Germany. Prior to that, I worked as a Research Fellow at Auckland Center for Financial Research, Auckland University of Technology and fixed-term Lecturer at the Lancaster University, UK. I obtained my Ph.D. degree of Finance in 2019 at Lancaster University Management School and earned my Master's degree in Finance from Imperial College London. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Financial Management from Sun Yat-sen University in China.

My research interests lie mainly in the area of empirical corporate finance, corporate governance, CEO behavior, sustainability and social finance and dynamic modeling in corporate finance with a focus on the interactions between financing and investment decisions, finance and labor, and the link between collateral (financial) shocks and the real economy. I teach undergraduate courses of International Finance and Corporate Finance and MBA course of Financial Management for Sustainable Value.