Shirun Shen


I am currently Senior Researcher at Beijing Insights Value Technology Co., Ltd. My duties include developing novel statistical/ML approaches to explore the patterns of air pollutants, developing the intelligent Smart Earth platform, implementing industrial researches of multiple fields, such as Digital Earth, Smart City, IoTs.

I got my first Statistics PhD degree from Department of Statistics in Texas A&M University (TAMU) in 2022. Simultaneously, I am a Statistics PhD Candidate in Institute of Statistics and Big Data at Renmin University of China, expected to graduate in Fall 2023. Prior to joining TAMU and RUC, I completed my undergraduate studies at Beihang University (BUAA) with a focus on Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

My research interests include the methodology of spatiotemporal data analysis, complex and large-scale data analysis, machine learning, and their applications to Digital Earth, Smart City, IoTs, and Environmental Science. 

My resume can be found here.

I am open to collaboration on the challenging spatiotemporal data science problems including modeling, visualization, story-telling, etc. Please bring your data and feel free to contact me via the following emails.


updated on April 3, 2023