SSS Invincible

Ship 502

Who are we?

Sea Scout Ship 502, Invincible, welcomes all young men and women aged 13 to 20 with an interest in sailing and seamanship, and provides opportunities for personal growth and life skill development you will remember and benefit from forever. Our program is determined by the youth members of the ship, under the watchful eye of our adults. We believe that learning is enhanced by teaching others, and this is reflected in the Sea Scouts' advancement program, which is a mainstay of our planning.

What have we been up to?

Ship 502 recently took a trip to the water for a Spring Break Sail! The ship took out our boat Carpe Ventum and the fleet boat. The fleet boat had some engine problems... In the end, Carpe Ventum had to tow her in. A interesting experience for all scouters on board. On top of that, the weekend was filled with leadership skills as one of our own ordinary scouts taught ILSS to the ship.

You will find us meeting almost every Monday evening, even summer, from 1930 till 2100, upstairs in the Scout building, at Foundry United Methodist Church, 8350 Jones Road, Houston, Texas. And most weekends you will find us having fun on or in the water! For more information contact Skipper Andrew Houghton at

Currently, we are meeting online with zoom! If you would like to join, email for the code!