Welcome to Shengwen's website!

My name is Shengwen Wang (王盛文). I am a lecturer at Queen Mary University of London. Previously, I completed my PhD at Johns Hopkins University in 2018 supervised by Jacob Bernstein.


shengwen.wang [at] qmul.ac.uk


Room: MB-B14

Queen Mary University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences



Math 371         Ordinary differential equations                   2018 Fall, Binghamton University

Math 590F       Topics in Analysis                                                 2019 Spring, Binghamton University

Math 371         Ordinary differential equations                   2019 Spring, Binghamton University

LTCC course   Introduction to mean curvature flow       2020 Fall, London (online)

MA4C0             Differential Geometry                                       2021  Fall, University of Warwick

MTH 6151       Partial Differential Equations                       2022 Fall, Queen Mary University of London

MTH 6151       Partial Differential Equations                       2023 Fall, Queen Mary University of London

Office hour: 

Mondays 3-4pm at MB-B14

Research interest:

Geometric analysis and geometric PDEs. I am interested in understanding the formation of singularities and developing/improving regularity theory of geometric partial differential equations such as minimal surfaces, mean curvature flows, Allen-Cahn and Ginzburg-Landau equations, etc.

Publications and preprints:

         J. Reine Angew. Math. 758, 261-280 (2020). [Link]

         Int. Math. Res. Not. 2020, 1933-1941 (2020). [Link]

         Comm. Anal. Geom. 29, 1523-1543 (2021). [Link]

         Geometriae Dedicata 200, 153-171 (2019). [Link]

         J. Differential Equations 265, 1353-1370 (2018). [Link]

         Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations. 60, (2021) [Link]

  De Gruyter Proc. Math. (2020).  [Link]

         Preprint. [Link]

         Int. Math. Res. Not. 2024, 6759-6789 (2024) [Link]

         Preprint. [Link]

         To appear in Math. Ann. [Link]