Sheng Guo, Ph.D.(U. of Chicago), CFA, FRM

Associate Teaching Professor

Department of Economics

Florida International University

11200 SW 8th Street, DM 318A

Miami, FL 33199

Email: sguo @

Department profile:

Personal website:

Google Scholar profile:

Fax: (305)348-1524


Office Hours in Spring 2025: M/W 10-11a (in office) or Zoom (by appointment)

Spring 2025 (please email me for the latest version of the syllabus):

Eco4421 (undergraduate) - Introduction to Econometrics

Eco7424/6420 (graduate) - Econometric Methods I



"What Did Homeowners Do with Home Equity Borrowing? Contemporaneous and Long-term Effects", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 54(8), December 2022, pp.2445-2475.

"Dynamics of Managerial Power and CEO Compensation in the Course of Corporate Distress: Evidence from 1992 to 2019" (joint with Qiang Kang and Oscar A. Mitnik), Financial Management, 51(3), Fall 2022, pp.797-825

"Does Health Information Exchange Improve Patient Outcomes? Empirical Evidence From Florida Hospitals" (joint with Min Chen and Xuan Tan), Health Affairs, 38(2), February 2019, pp. 197–204.

"Financial and Housing Wealth, Expenditures and the Dividend to Ownership" (joint with William Hardin), Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 54(1), January 2017, pp. 58–96.

"Switching Regression Estimates of the Intergenerational Persistence of Consumption", Economic Inquiry, 52(4), October 2014, pp.1503-1524.

"Margin Requirements and Portfolio Optimization: A Geometric Approach", Journal of Asset Management, 15(3), June 2014, pp.191-204.

"Wealth, Composition, Housing, Income, and Consumption" (joint with William Hardin), Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 48(2), February 2014, pp. 221-243.

"The superior measure of PSID consumption: An update", Economics Letters, 108(3), September 2010, pp. 253-256.

(Prof. Robert Schoeni kindly points out to me that PSID has greatly expanded its coverage of expenditure items in survey in recent years, see documentation and a related publication.)


 Media Interview

 "The best cities for building wealth in 2016",, October 2016