


April 15 Jonathan Levine, Ecology and Evolutionary biology, Princeton

"Understanding species responses to climate change: the need for population and community ecology"

February 28 James O'Dwyer, School of Integrative Biology, University of Illinois

"Cooperation, Resource Exchange, and Stability"


March 8 Alex Hening, Department of Mathematics, Tufts

"The competitive exclusion principle in stochastic environments"

February 22 Erin Mordecai, Department of Biology, Stanford

"Global change and the ecology of vector-born disease"


November 2 Mikhail Tikhonov, Department of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis

"Performance Tradeoffs and eco-evolutionary interplay at high diversity"

October 1 Andrew W. Lo, Sloan School of Management, MIT

"Fear, Greed, and Financial Crisis 10 Years Later"

February 8 David Des Marais, Penny Chisholm, Martin Polz, Serguei Saavedra CEE, MIT

Special Series: "The Talk of the Lab"


October 26 Stefano Allesina Department of Ecology and Evolution, Chicago University

"Two tales on the assembly of large ecological communities"

October 11 Alan Hastings Department of Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis

"Synchrony in Ecology"

October 2 George Sugihara Scripps Research Institute

"Understanding nature holistically (and without equations)"

September 21 Judith Bronstein Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Arizona University

"The ecology and evolution of mutualism"

May 18 Tadashi Fukami Department of Biology, Stanford University

"Embracing historical contingency in ecological community assembly"

May 15 Jordi Duch Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University

"An experimental framework for the study of human behavior" CEE-Media Lab Joint Seminar

May 11 (12pm) Luis J. Gilarranz Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Zurich

"The spatial structure of biodiversity: theory, experiments, and synthesis"

April 20 Yang-Yu Liu Harvard Medical School

"Controlling human microbiota"


November 17 Martin Ackermann Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH

November 3 Rodolfo Dirzo School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University

"Patterns of defaunation and consequences for ecosystems and humans"

October 27 Jennifer Dunne Vice President for Science, Santa Fe Institute

"Modern ecological lessons from ancient food webs"

October 20 Neo Martinez Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Arizona University

"Synthesized ecology with ecological networks"

October 17 Luis A. N. Amaral Chemical and Biological Eng., Northwestern University

"Traveling reports from an "ilegal alien": Crossing into scientific domains without a degree"

October 6 Andrew Gonzalez Department of Biology, McGill University

"The diversity, stability, and evolution of ecological networks"

September 15 Jay T. Lennon Department of Biology, Indiana University

"Scaling laws predict global microbial diversity"

Room 48-316 @ MIT 12pm (unless otherwise noted)

More details about talks and future speakers will be posted throughout the term.