MIT Ecology Meeting

This is a biannual event, where we are trying to bring together faculty, postdocs, and students doing ecology research in the Boston area and beyond


January 24th (Friday) 2020 @ MIT

Singleton Auditorium (46-3002) from 1.30pm-6pm

Keynote speakers:

Corina Tarnita (Princeton)

Mark Vellend (Sherbrooke University)

Megan Frederickson (Toronto University)

Stephan Munch (NOAA Fisheries and UC Santa Cruz)

Followed by Poster session and reception (flyer)

Register for presenting poster and/or attending here

(Registration open until reaching room capacity)


January 26th 2018 @ MIT Singleton Auditorium (Bldg. 46 room 3002) (1.30-6.30pm) [Flyer]

Jeff Gore and Serguei are co-organizing the second edition of the MIT Ecology Meeting.

The theme of 2018 is Mathematical and Community Ecology.

Final Program:


Martin Nowak (Harvard - Keynote) "Hamilton's rule"

Rajita Menon (BU - short talk) "Interactions between species introduce spurious associations in microbiome studies"

Tami Lieberman (MIT - short talk)"Rapid bacterial evolution within individual human microbiomes"


Daniel Segrè (BU - Keynote) “Microbial metabolism from genomes to ecosystems”

Sarah Salois (Northeastern U. - short talk) "Coexistence mechanisms collide across scales"

Alexandru Hening (Tufts - short talk) "Population dynamics in stochastic environments"


Robin Snyder (Case Western Reserve University - Keynote) "Expanding Modern Coexistence Theory for empirical applications"

Mara Freilich (MIT - short talk) "Reconstructing species interaction networks from time series data: The effect of stochastic noise"

Stephanie Jenouvrier (WHOI - short talk ) "Unobserved heterogeneity in vital rates reveals a diversity of life histories in an Antarctic seabird population"


David Vasseur (Yale - Keynote) "The pervasive problem of individual variation in ecological theory"

Andrea Giometto (Harvard - short talk) "Covariations in ecological scaling laws fostered by community dynamics"

Gabriel Leventhal (MIT -short talk) "Uncovering co-evolution in microbial communities through genomics"

Registration Form

Deadline December 31st 2017 or until reaching room capacity.


January 29th 2016 @ MIT

In 2016 Jeff Gore and Serguei started the MIT Ecology Meeting.

The theme of 2016 was Quantitative Ecology.

More than 50 ecologists gathered to present and share new ideas during an afternoon at MIT

This was the starting line-up