Serge Kas Hanna

Junior Professor (Tenure-Track)

Laboratory of Computer Sciences, Signals and Systems (i3S)

CNRS & Côte d'Azur University  

2000 Rte des Lucioles, 06900 Sophia Antipolis 

Euclide B, Room 242

Emails: serge.kas-hanna@{,}

OPen Positions

I have multiple openings for Ph.D. positions and one Postdoc position in the field of coding for DNA storage. The starting dates are flexible, and the positions will remain open until filled. Click here for more information and to apply.

Recent News

Short Bio

Serge Kas Hanna is a junior professor at CNRS and Côte d'Azur University. Previously, he was a senior researcher at Aalto University (2022-2023) and a senior researcher and lecturer at the Technical University of Munich (2020-2022). He received an engineering degree in computer and communications engineering and a master’s degree in information and communication systems from Lebanese University (2015), and a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Rutgers University (2020). His research interests are in the broad area of information and coding theory, with a focus on coding for deletions and insertions, low-latency communications, and federated/distributed machine learning.