
I am currently an Underwood Distinguished Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University.
I am also serving as the Head of the Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University.

My research focuses on multiple aspects of photography - from capturing images, processing and editing images, and to managing and interacting with photographs. The vision is to integrate different areas of computer science - computer vision, computer graphics, computational photography, and machine learning - to enhance multiple aspects of the photography culture. 

More information can be found on my CV & Google Scholar page.


I am always looking for talented and motivated collaborators (graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduate interns).

If you are interested in joining our lab, please click on this link to apply.

July 2024

Six papers accepted in ECCV 2024.

June 2024

I will serve as a Senior Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024

March 2024

One paper accepted in CVPR 2024.

I will serve as an Area Chair for ECCV 2024

July 2023

One paper accepted in ICCV 2023.

April 2023

I have joined IEEE TPAMI Editorial Board, as an Associate Editor.

March 2023

I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2023.

Feb 2023 

Three papers accepted in CVPR 2023.

Jan 2023

I have been appointed as Underwood Distinguished Professor.

I will serve as an Area Chair for ICCV 2023.

Nov 2022

I have joined the editorial board of International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). 

Sept 2022

I will serve as a Senior Area Chair for CVPR 2023.

Three papers accepted in NeurIPS 2022.

July 2022

Two papers accepted in ECCV 2022.

One paper accepted in Pattern Recognition.

Student Jungbin has been awarded Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Scholarship. Congratulations!

June 2022

Our team achieved 3rd place on the VIS track of LSVOS Workshop at CVPR 2022. Congratulations.

Student Sukjun starting internship at Adobe.

March 2022

I've been  promoted to  Professor and will also  serve as the  Head of the new  Department of Artificial Intelligence.

Three papers accepted in CVPR 2022.

Received Yonsei Best Teaching Award for 2021.

Oct. 2021

One paper accepted in NeurIPS 2021.

One paper accepted in WACV 2022.

July 2021

Two papers accepted in ICCV 2021.

June 2021

I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2022.

Three papers in CVPR Workshops with 2 major awards -
"First Place Award" in Track 1 Generic Event Boundary Detection Challenge (Long-form Video Understanding Workshop)

"Runner-Up Award" in NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Learning the Super-Resolution Space

March 2021

Three papers accepted in CVPR2021.

Student Miran Heo started internship with Adobe. 

July 2020

Two papers accepted in ECCV 2020.

A paper on video object segmentation is accepted for publication in IEEE TPAMI.

February 2020

I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2021, and as a Senior PC (SPC) for IJCAI 2020.

September 2019

We have 1 paper accepted in NeurIPS 2019.

I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2020.

Student Kyungmin off to Facebook for internship.

August 2019

I joined Facebook as a visiting scientist for my sabbatical.

July 2019

We have 3 papers accepted in ICCV 2019.

April 2019

I received the Best Young Faculty Award from Yonsei University.

March 2019

We have two papers accepted in CVPR 2019.

February 2019

Student Seoung Wug awarded with the Silver prize in the Samsung Humantech Paper Award. Congratulations!

September 2018

Our work on TAGAN (Text Adaptive Generative Adversarial Network) is accepted in NIPS 2018. Our first paper in NIPS!

August 2018

Our baseball database (BBDB) is available online! 


July 2018

Team from our lab (Chang Ha, Gunhee, Dasol, Hyunjin, In, Woongoh) won the AI R&D Challenge hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT. Congratulations!

July 2018

A paper on Fine-grained Video Dataset is accepted in ECCV 2018.