Player Development

A training regimen should always target the following areas of development: flexibility, condA training regimen should always target the following areas of development: flexibility, conditioning, endurance, weight training, intensity, skill development and game I.Q.

Driveway season drills to improve:

At the hoop: (advanced drill - check out goalrilla's videos for more great ideas/instruction!)

Rebound put-backs. Throw the ball off the backboard, catch it over your head, preferably in the air, come down, hard fake and go up strong with the put- back. 10 times each side.

Essential to the post, but important to all players!

On the ground: Practice ball handling maneuvers:

warm-up: work on practicing the spider first to warm up your hands

dribbling with your weaker hand while not looking at the ball,

low crossovers while not looking at the ball,

fancier moves - crossovers between the legs, wrapping the dribble around the back (on the run, not stationary), .

All ball handling practice improves any player.

On the ground: Practice both offensive and defensive footwork.

defensive: warm-up:Use chalk and draw a ladder on your driveway or patio and practice your ladder drill footwork to improve footspeed.

Using chalk or buy some dollar store cones, try the following drills from the video to improve your speed and footwork:

Practice defensive strides (proper posture-- think low!) backwards in a zig-zag direction- 5 20 second intervals. (When coaches see players practicing this on their own they get unbelieveably excited - its a real sign that that player has the right attitude and work ethic.)

offensive: Warmup: 3x1 min rapid jump rope and a quick stretch

with a ball practice Z-drills,

explosive v-cuts,

maneuvering around obstacles (I have cones from the dollar store but a box or recycle bin work great.)

pivoting (bounce a tennis ball, catch it and pivot and return to a starting line you created).

and changing direction

Beginner drills: can adapt to the driveway or for a coach of young players: