Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy in very important to us. Sometime we may need information to provide you with the services which you want. by using our services you agree to our terms of services mentioned in our privacy policy document if you don't agree then you can STOP using our services anytime we may use some of your data to serve you with relevant ads, Also there is the link to Privacy policy document below. This privacy policy applies to all Selairus International Apps; this privacy statement applies to Selairus International and its products.

For users in EU, EEA, Switzerland or from any part of the world 

For the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), we use some of the personalized data to show personalized ads Only to our users, if you don't want your data to be processed for personalized ads then you can stop using our services at any time

For the LGPD, we use some of the data to serve only the personalized Ads other than that we dont access or use any other data. Using our services means you accept all of our conditions.

Access to Device's storage:

We need this permission so that users can select custom cross-hairs of their own choice. other than that we do not access any personal data of the user like photos etc and we do not share them with anyone else. we only need the access to the device's storage.


We need microphone permission in the the DB sound meter app to detect the noise level, other than that we do not store the recording of the sound.


Location permission is used to get Rourter SSID (Wifi network Name) and BSSID (Mac Address of the Wifi Router). Location permission is only needed to check near by Wifi hotspots only and it’s required after android OS 6.0 release. Other than that we do not access user location and we do not share the user location with anyone else. Except for the Ads so that we can provide relevant ads to the users

Read Google service configuration

This information is used to acquire advertising ID. We provide users with better advertising service by using such anonymous ID.

Policy update for 

European Union

European Economic Area 

Switzerland and all other countries

Data and Information:

To support the development process of our Apps we rely on the use of advertisements in the Apps so it is very important for the user to see and watch useful and relevant ads for that purpose we need data and information to improve and serve the users with the ads in which they may be interested. Other information we may collect are used for the App analytics which are also very important to monitor the performance of the App and make the App better with time, for that purpose we may use Google analytics to study the performance and App analytics of our Apps/services.

We provide the users with our services and we improve our services constantly, in order to that we need to process the data like user profile and device information. 

ADS networks:

We use the ads networks of Google and Facebook, StartApp, Applovin and Unity Ads and their privacy policy links are provided in this document. 

Personal Data:

We don’t process the personal information/data for example Pictures, text messages etc.

About the use of cookies they are mostly used by the websites to improve the user experience of using the service and most of the web browsers have the ability in the settings to control the use of cookies. Cookies basically allow us to deliver more useful ads which are relevant to you. Subject to your choices you make when registering and in the settings. 

We may be able to disclose any information or the data during any legal case or where is it important and required by the law.

Your data can never be used for any illegal purpose and it is fully secured.

Data and the information obtained within the Europe can be transferred to the country outside the Europe which may not have the same level of data protection as it is in the Europe. We may use the processing of your information to the third parties which are outside your home country to provide you with the services you need. But the data which is internationally transmitted is made sure, that it is secured to the third parties outside the Europe.   

Links to Firebase Data processing and security terms also with crashlytics and App distribution data processing and security term are below

We are also using Applovin for advertising purpose and the link to privacy policy is here:

We are using Appodeal for Mediation and the Link for the Privacy policy of Appodeal is "" 

For advertising we use Google Admob and you can read about its policies on this Link ""

We are also using Facebook audience network for advertisements and you can also search and read about the polices of Facebook products here


We use Unity Ads in our Apps and you can view the Privacy Policy of Unity Ads from the link below

We are again also using StartApp for advertising purpose and you can read about their privacy policy here


For Privacy Policy and Security in Firebase

If you have any other questions please contact us on our Email address :