A Roadbike Tour

Welcome to our Radl-tour!

Sept. 11th 2007 - Oct. 04th 2007

We are 2 bicyclists, doing the Hwy 1 South: Seattle - San Francisco.

Starting: Sept. 11th 2007.

Return: Oct. 4th 2007


Raimund, age 66, retired

Iris, age 64, retired

Bicycle Tour Seattle - San Francisco

Distance: Total 1.800 Kilometers

Review of the bike tour Seattle - San Francisco

The author of this review: Iris from Austria - retired

This tour is recommandes for trained bikers!

Do not attempt to repeat this tour without any training.

We like to thank all the helping hands and supporters all kind.

And, I like to thank all the American people who shared our ride. We met open and friendly people. An extremely good landscape, and rather safe riding conditions. Good weather. And most important: mainly tail wind.

