Sean Li

Department of Mathematics

University of Connecticut

341 Mansfield Road, U1009

Storrs, CT 06269-9015

Email: sean dot li at uconn dot edu

My CV: pdf.

I am an assistant professor at the University of Connecticut. My research interests include metric geometry, functional analysis, geometric measure theory, and harmonic analysis. Before Connecticut, I was a L.E. Dickson Instructor at the University of Chicago, and I received my Ph.D. from the Courant Institute at NYU under the supervision of Professor Assaf Naor.


Collaborators: Jonas Azzam, Matthew Badger, David Bate, Vasilis Chousionis, Tullia Dymarz, Nathaniel Eldredge, Maria Gordina, Jonathan Hickman, Tuomas Hytönen, Enrico Le Donne, Michael Kelly, Anton Lukyanenko, Terhi Moisala, Assaf Naor, Tapio Rajala, Raanan Schul, Vyron Vellis, Robert Young, Scott Zimmerman.


RunningAHEAD - My running log.