App Inventor

Middle School App Inventor 2 Tutorials

By following these tutorials you can build real Android phone apps.

These tutorials assume you do not have an Android phone and show you how to use the Android Emulator to monitor your app design. If you have an Android phone or other Android device you can connect them to your computer by WiFi or a USB cable as you work instead of the Emulator. To learn how to do that visit this MIT App Inventor page.

Finally, once you have built an app you can get it on your phone, or share it with friends with an Android phone, by following the directions at the end of the Day 2 tutorial.

The first 8 tutorials are adapted from Richard Incorvia's app inventor tutorials included on MIT App Inventor's Resources page. Mr. Incorvia is a middle school teacher in Fairfield, Iowa. The tutorials have been updated for use with App Inventor 2 and the Android Emulator. We have added additional tutorials called Final Day and Quiz App.

NOTE: App Inventor does not work with Internet Explorer so you should use Firefox, Safari or Chrome to build your apps.

NOTE 2: There are some important concepts associated with App Inventor that you need to keep in mind as you begin to design your own apps. You can find them here: