Bastian Schulz

Welcome to my website!

I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University. I am also affiliated with IZA, CESifo, and PIREAU. 

Research interests: labor economics, family economics, macroeconomics, search and matching  

You can reach me by email:

My CV is available here: Download CV

I post recent news, paper updates, and upcoming presentations at the bottom of this page. For information on my research, teaching, and workshops, please use the sidebar.

Upcoming and recent presentations of my work:


Research Agenda:

My research combines micro data with insights from economic theory to better understand how heterogenous agents, such as workers and firms or men and women, match with each other (sorting). This approach helps elucidate trends in inequality and population structure (see chart). 

Specifically, I examine how sorting influences labor market dynamics and inequality, and how it interacts with economic policy, e.g., labor market policy, tax policy, and policies that aim to improve gender equality. I use Danish register data, German social security data, and household surveys.

Currently, my focus is on the interactions between labor and marriage markets (joint equilibrium):

For more details, see my Research Statement.