Sasan Bakhtiari                                   ساسان بختیاری

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

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Research Interests


Business Dynamics,

R&D and Innovation,


Not So Short Bio

I started as an engineer, receiving my bachelor's in Electronics and then my Master's in Control and System Theory From the University of Tehran. However, my interests shifted and I completed my doctorate in economics at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2007. My expertise is in the production and analysis of huge firm-level data matched from various sources. I am currently interested in the mechanics of growth, innovation and networking among firms. I have experience of working in both government and academia and use it to specially make policy relevant studies. 

Different topics I have been studying over the past years include outsourcing decisions and their effect on the business performance, R&D and knowledge spillover, and innovation, networking and patenting among firms. Currently, I am using patent data from different countries to study patterns of business collaborations and their impact on innovation and its quality.

Last Update June 7, 2024