Sanjay Dominik Jena

Associate Professor in Operations Research

Département d'analytique, opérations et technologies (AOTI)

École des sciences de la gestion (ESG), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

I am an Associate Professor at the Département d'analytique, opérations et technologies (formerly: Management et technologies) of ESG, the management school of UQAM.

I am serving as the director of the CRI2GS  research center (Centre sur l'intelligence2 en gestion de systèmes complexes). I am further an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research (DIRO), Université de Montréal, a regular member of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT), and a member of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real-time Decision-Making (CERC-DS4DM), in which I was formerly involved as a Research Associate. Before, I joint the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a Postdoctoral Associate within the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) program, after having obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Operations Research from the Université de Montréal.

Research areas:

My main expertise lies in the fields of Operations Research, Computer Science and Mathematical Optimization; broadly, "Data Science". My research interests include:

Application domains include:

Current and previous industrial collaborators include BIXI Montréal, Netlift, CascadesCanmet, Gapso Analytics, JDA Labs, FPInnovations and the City of Montreal (Infrastructure section).

Student recruitment:


If you are interested in some of these topics, would like to pursue a Ph.D. degree at a university in Montréal and possess a strong background in Mathematics and programming, don't hesitate to inquire current funding options by contacting me.

Cours en Analytique d'affaire / Courses in Business Analytics (in French):

My courses taught at UQAM can be found here. I teach on all program levels: BAA, MSc, PhD and Executive MBA (Montreal and China).

Parcours en Analytique des données d'affaire à l'École des Sciences de la Gestion (ESG), UQAM:

Analytique prédictive d'affaire (MET8130)

BI et analytique d'affaire (MET8110)

Analytique descriptive et données volumineuses (MET8120)

Analytique prescriptive et outils d'aide à la décision (MET8140)