

CWI N&O Interest Group seminar, two talks about quantum SDP solvers, December 13 & 15. Slides (part 1) & Slides (part 2)

Alpen-Adria-Workshop on Optimization, December 6-9, Klagenfurt. Slides

Sums of Squares - Real Algebraic Geometry and its Applications, August 21-25, 2017, Innsbruck. Slides

Seminar mathematical optimization and quantum information theory, August 7-9, 2017, Bad Honnef. Blackboard talk on quantum graph parameters & noncommutative polynomial optimization.

SIAM Conference on Optimization, May 22-25, 2017, Vancouver. Slides

53rd National Mathematical Congress, April 11-12, 2017, Utrecht

QuSoft seminar, May 2, CWI, Amsterdam. Slides

Lunteren Conference - LNMB, January 17-19, 2017, Lunteren. Slides


Symposium Quantum Software in the Netherlands, November 25, 2016, CWI, Amsterdam

Combinatorics & Operators in Quantum Information Theory, LMS Research School, Queen's University Belfast, September 5-9.

5th SDP Day: Applications of Semidefinite Optimization, June 30, 2016, CWI, Amsterdam

IPCO, June 1-3, Liege. Poster.

Lunteren Conference - LNMB, January 12-14.


Zero-error information, Operators, and Graphs, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, November 25-27