
  1. Computational Geometry: Implementation of Voronoi Diagram (2015)
  2. Implementation of Voronoi Diagram with an expected runtime complexity of O(n log n) using the Delaunay Triangulation method.
  3. Computer Graphics: Ray Tracer (2015)
  4. Simulation of ray tracing in computer graphics with options for image rendering, reflection, and refraction for basic shapes (plane, sphere, cylinder, triangle, etc).
  5. Simulation and Modeling: Simulation of Cafe (2015)
  6. Hardware implementation of the Arithmetic Logic Unit.
  7. Digital System Design: 4 bit PC (2015)
  8. A 4 bit Computer capable of executing 28 basic instructions (add, multiply, push, pop, jump, etc). It is based on the MIPS architecture and uses at most 5 clock cycles to perform any of the 28 instructions.
  9. Digital System Design: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (2015)
  10. Hardware implementation of a basic Arithmetic Logic Unit.
  11. Computer Networks: Routing Protocol (2014)
  12. Simulation of the physical, data link and network layer of Computer Networks with bit stuffing, hashing for error detection and detailed implementation of the distance vector routing protocol.
  13. Operating Systems: Basic Operating System (2014)
  14. A basic operating system with functionalities including threading, multi-programming, memory management with caching and virtual memory based on the Nachos framework.
  15. Compiler: Basic Fortran Compiler (2014)
  16. A compiler built using GNU C++, Lex, and YACC to generate Intel 80386 codes from Pascal programs. Its major features are as follows: syntax error detection, type error detection, simple arithmetic expression handling involving integers and floating point numbers, and branching and looping constructs handling.
    • Scope Analysis
    • Use Case Diagram
    • Data Flow Diagram
    • Fishbone Diagram
    • Feasibility and Requirement Analysis
    • System Architecture Analysis
    • Class and Collaboration Diagrams
    • Sequence Diagrams
    • State Chart Diagrams
    • Activity Diagrams
    • Full database design
    • Full user interface design
    • Project phases
    • Timeline and risk analysis
  17. Android project: Shopper's Hub (2014)
    1. This Android application allows users to advertise their shops. Different information about the shop is shown such as its name, photos, product lists, etc. Users can look up shops based on product price, location, quality of goods etc. They can bookmark, rate and review different shops and also look up others' opinions before visiting one themselves. The database used is MySQL and the back end is developed with raw PHP and xampp.
  18. Database Project: Office Finance Manager (2014)
  19. This is a web application with a front end built using Bootstrap and the back end uses PHP with CodeIgnitor to access an Oracle database. It keeps track of transactions that take place in an office including
    • Section-wise expenses – utility services, employee salary, and bonus
    • Project-wise expenses – materials and others
    • Products sales records
    • Provides reports
  20. Object Oriented Programming: FS player (2012)
    1. It is a lightweight, user-friendly, cross-platform multimedia player based on the JVLC library. It supports most media formats, subtitles, playlists, bookmarks, and snapshots. It can download media files from a LAN connected network.
  21. Structured Programming Language: DX ball (2011)
  22. It is a multilevel desktop game built using the iGraphics library. It has an attractive interface and contains the typical features of DX ball like a shooting bar, a glue bar, the collapse of bricks, etc.
  23. Introduction to Computer Systems: Basic Search Engine (2011)
  24. It is a very basic search engine developed using Python.