Affiliations & Activities

Vice President, June 2015 - February 2016

Event Director, May 2014 - May 2015

Founding Member

Born on February 2014, Bangladeshi Women in Computer Science in Engineering (BWCSE) is a club formed by students and alumni of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). With a mission of encouraging women towards higher studies and career pursuit in STEM, it motivates students to participate in research and conference presentations, competitions, development work, etc. It also forms a strong bond between female undergraduates and alumni of BUET through a formal 3 tier mentoring program.

The following are some of the events I was involved in:

Conferences and Opportunities for Women in Computing, March 2016


At this event, female undergraduate students were introduced to some of the research opportunities dedicated to women in technology. Conferences, competitions, and workshops designed to increase female participation and diversity were discussed and the way to participate in them were outlined.

BWCSE IEEE Robotics Workshop and Contest, September 2015 - Dec 2015

Organizer and Instructor

BWCSE co-organized this workshop with IEEE BUET Student Branch with an aim to increase participation of women in the field of robotics. This workshop provided basic training on Line Following Robots through a four-month long workshop. Students were taught how the Arduino, sensors, and motors worked. They learned how to use Proteus to make a simulation of their robot and how to use hardware to build their own line following robots. A competition was held at the end of the workshop so that students can display their robots.

Introduction to Firefox OS, August 2014

Organizer and Instructor

This session was co-organized by Mozilla BD and had the goal of involving more women in the development of the open source operating system, Firefox. Participants received training on application development on this new operating system and were introduced to and motivated to join the communities, Mozilla BD and Womoz.

CSE Festival, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Organizing Member, May 2015

CSE Festival is the largest event held annually at the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). It hosted several competitions on robotics, software and hardware project show, competitive programming, etc. The following is a selected event I was involved in:

Planetrix, May 2015


Planetrix is the robotics competition held as part of CSE Festival 2015. A total of 33 teams participated from 5 of the top engineering universities in Bangladesh. The problem statement in this competition required participants to build autonomous robots that would traverse a grid, avoid block holes and pass through certain areas in the shortest possible path.

Volunteer, June 2014 - March 2016

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Students of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) run this branch of IEEE and conducts events on various aspects of engineering including organizing contests and workshops on robotics, complex system design, and paper writing.