Seonah Lee, Ph.D (李宣我)

Associate Professor

Software Evolution and Architecture Lab

Department of Aerospace and Software Engineering (Undergraduate)

Department of Software Engineering (Undergraduate)

Chair in Department of AI Convergence Engineering (Graduate)

Head in BK21 Phase 4, AI Convergence Research & Education Center for Industrial Intelligence in Gyeongsang Province

Adjunct Professor in Department of Management of Technology (Grad.)

Adjunct Professor in Department of Data Science (Undergrad.)

Adjunct Professor in Department of Smart Manufacturing ICT (Undergrad, USG Univ.)

407-307, Gyeongsang National University

Jinjudaero 501, Jinju City, South Gyeongsang Province, Korea, 52828.

Email: saleese at gnu dot ac dot kr

Phone: (82) 055-772-1377

Welcome to my personal page. I slowly update this site. Please, visit my lab linked in the above. 

My research interests are requirement traceability, software architecture, code recommendation, program comprehension, software evolution, text mining, AI techniques, and intelligent software engineering. In overall, I am interested in improving the productivity of software developers. However, the problem is entangled with the quality of software products. Therefore, I research on the tools and data to improve the status quo.

keywords: task relevance, entry points, design evolution, requirement traceability, and trustworthiness.
