Recent publications

게시일: Jul 3, 2021 6:55 AM

최근 본 연구그룹에서 여러 편의 논문이 발표 혹은 게재 승인됐습니다. 축하합니다!!!

J. Bhardwaj, S. Hong, J. Jang, C.-H. Han, J. Lee, J. Jang*, 2021 (.) “Recent advancements in the measurement of pathogenic airborne viruses.” Journal of Hazardous Materials. (Accepted)

S. Hong, M.-W. Kim, J. Jang*, 2021 (.) “Physical collection and viability of airborne bacteria collected under electrostatic field with different sampling media and protocols towards rapid detection.” Scientific Reports. (Accepted)

N. D. Ngo, J. Jang*, 2021 (Jun. 18) “Long-term measurement of PM2.5 mass concentration using an electrostatic particle concentrator-based quartz crystal microbalance integrated with carbon dioxide aerosol jets for PM sensing in remote areas.” IEEE Access, 9, pp. 90715–90726.

S. Lee, S. Chae, S. Y. Woo, J. Jang, J. Kim*, 2021 (Jun. 11) “Effects of Rotor-Rotor Interaction on the Wake Structure and Thrust Generation of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.” IEEE Access, 9, pp. 85995–86016.