CIS 101 : Computer Fundamentals

Batch         : Eng 47

Trimester  : Spring 2012

Course Objectives

Assignment Submission

You must submit all your assignments in both hard-copy and soft-copy forms. For hard-copy submission, you are recommended to attach a cover page clearly mentioning you name, student id, date of submission and the title of your assignment. You will also require to submit the assignments by e-mail. Following instructions must be complied for e-mail submissions:

1) Mention the word "Assignment" in the mail subject, followed by your name, id and assignment title.

For example:

Subject: Assignment <your name> <your id> <title of your assignment>.

Your mail WILL NOT reach to the correct folder if you do not follow this format.

2) Attach your file with your e-mail.

3) You must submit the assignment from you own email account.

Assignment 1

Write your short autobiography using a word processing software. Your writing should include the basic facts of your life. Write about credentials or skills, interests, hobbies, pets etc. You may also include your visions and future plans in your essay. your childhood, critical events in your life, education,

Recommended size   :  1 Page

Submission deadline  : 11th March, 2012

Assignment 2

Prepare and submit your complete CV. (See sample CVs given below)

Size   : 2/3 Pages

Submission deadline : 8th April, 2012

Course Materials