Data Structures (Summer 2016: 22c:021)

Course Supervisor: Professor In Jeong Chung.

Discussions: MW 12:30P -1:20P (Section A01) &  TTh 12:30P -1:20P (Section A02) in 301 MLH.

Office Hours: T 1:30P - 3:20P & W 1:30P - 2:20P (in 301 MLH), and by appointment.

Links: C++ Language Tutorial 

Topics, tutorial links, examples and files (by week)

Week 1:  C++ basics, structure of a C++ program, variables, data types, type deduction, literals, increment and decrement operators (difference between x++ and ++x), conditional ternary operator, basic input output (cin and cout), stringstreams, control structures. 

Example program: week1.cpp

Week 2:  Continuation of control structures, functions, call by value vs. call by reference, inline functions, recursivity, overloaded functions, function templates, scopes and namespaces, C++ classes, constructors, constructor overloading.

PowerPoint: Container Classes

Example program: A static bag container class

Week 3:  Pointers to classes, difference between classes and structures, operator overloading, keyword this, static members, constant member functions, class templates, linked list implementation, discussion on programming assignment 1.

Example program: LinkedList.cpp

Week 4: 

Continuation of discussion on programming assignment 1. 

Example program: poly_linkedlist.cpp

Introduction to Standard Template Library (STL) and vectors (section A02 only).

Tutorial links:

A modest STL tutorial

C++ STL Tutorial

Week 5: 

Introduction to Standard Template Library (STL) and vectors (section A01), stack implementation in C++, infix to postfix conversion algorithm, discussion on programming assignment 2, application of operator overloading in polynomial addition.

Infix to postfix conversion algorithm

Postfix evaluation

Pseudo-code for infix to postfix conversion 

Example programs: 



    Polynomial.cpp (operator overloading)


Week 6: 

Binary search trees (BST),  construction and traversals of BSTs in C++ (example program: figure 10.10 at page 513 of textbook), how to pass a function as a parameter of a function (page 507), passing a function as a parameter to solve the traversal problem mentioned in the text book (page 506), discussion on programming assignment 3.

Tree traversal (wiki page)

Example program: PA3.cpp (updated, all errors fixed)

Week 7: 

Discussion on programming assignment 3 & 4, definition and motivation for topological sort/ordering, an algorithm for finding a topological ordering from a DAG using sink/source vertex, an algorithm for finding topological ordering from a DAG using depth first search.

Lecture note and example program

Video lecture of Tim Roughgarden

Week 8: 

Difference among passing a pointer, a reference of a pointer, and a pointer to a pointer. Discussion on programming assignment 4.