
Wébroot.com/safé - Enter Webroot Key Code

Get effective web-security on your system with Webroot SecureAnywhere from wébroot.com/safé. Easily download, install, and activate the software

Visit wébroot.com/safé to download the Webroot antivirus setup. Choose the best Webroot product on webroot safe.

What is webroot activation code?

Webroot activation product key is an alpha-numeric code of 20 characters which is imprinted on the rear side of the wébroot.com/safé antivirus retail box. Your activation key looks like XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX- XXXXX.

Install Webroot On Mac Using Wébroot.com/safé

  1. First Look for wsamac.dmg file for installing.

  2. Click on the webroot.com/secure option.

  3. After that, you need to choose a language.

  4. Select "Next" and "Continue."

  5. Tap, on OK for making any kind of changes.

  6. Next, tap on "Open System Preferences."

  7. Choose the option "Security & Privacy."

  8. Tap on "Privacy."

  9. Check for the "Full Disk Access."

  10. After checking, tap "+" icon right side of the screen.

  11. Choose the option Application on the same page.

  12. Pick up wébroot.com/safé application and then open it.

  13. Click on the checkbox Webroot as well.

  14. Now a window will show up and tap "Quite Now" box there.

  15. Select "Next" and process further.

  16. Choose "Install Extension".

  17. Go to General tab available on Security & Privacy.

  18. Tap on the "Allow and Continue" option.

  19. The final thing, now just do as the remaining screen says in the guideline.

  20. Select the "Finish" box and come out from the current window.