About me

Born in Iran, I earned my PhD degree in philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara, June 2013. My research is primarily on rationality, normative ethics, philosophy of action, moral psychology and Islamic philosophy. I am also interested in epistemology and philosophy of religion. 

My work has appeared in Philosophy journals such as Ethics, Philosophical Quarterly, Analysis, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Inquiry, Social Theory and Practice etc. 

My book, Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond: A New Problem of Evil has been published by Oxford University Press (2024). 

I also hold another PhD degree in electronics and telecommunications from the University of Limoges, Xlim CNRS 6172 (France). I have published in Electrical Engineering journals such as IEEE transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE transaction on Vehicular Technology, IET Communications and IET Circuit, Device and System.