Sanctuary Retreats

Ruth P. Workman                                                  

Ruth Workman, M. Ed., M.A., is a Certified Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, and Supervisor of Spiritual Directors.  She has offered Spiritual Direction since 1995.

   • Ruth provides individual and group spiritual direction for students at Princeton Theological Seminary where she has been an Adjunct Professor

   • For 20 years she was Pastoral Care Associate at Langhorne (PA) Presbyterian Church and is ordained as an elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

   • She has earned a national reputation as a dynamic facilitator for leadership retreats for boards, staff and committees, as well as women’s retreats.

   • Ruth earned an M. Ed. from Rutgers University and an M.A. in Holistic Spirituality and Spiritual Direction from Chestnut Hill College.

What is a Spiritual Director?

The Spiritual Director serves as a holy listener.

The Spiritual Director is a companion who helps you welcome God’s presence.

The Spiritual Director is midwife to the soul.

She is present and attentive helping you  observe your new life emerging. Thus, you grow into the person God created and you yearn to be.

Above all, the Spiritual Director is humble and reverent, aware that you, and God, have entrusted her with your very being.

An Invitation to Listen for God

Jeremiah offers us these words from God:

“I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare…to give you a future with hope. When you come and pray to me I will hear you. When you search for me you will find me.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Spiritual direction is a one-on-one relationship, the goals of which are to search for and discover God’s desire for our life and our desire  for God.

How do you do this?  You meet with me, a Spiritual Director, for an hour once a month to share the joys and struggles of everyday life.  Together we explore how God’s will and spirit are working, seen and unseen, in your daily experiences.

Henry Nouwen, a well respected 20th Century Christian author, said, “A true spirituality cannot be constructed, built, or put together;  it has to be recognized in the daily life of people who search together to do God’s will in the world.”

I would be honored to accompany you as you continue your search for God’s presence in your life.

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

   • Individual Spiritual Direction:  Once a month discussions lasting approximately one hour.  Cost is $80 per hour.

   • Customized:  Individualized methods to continue your faith journey.

 Come Away to a Quiet Place

An Invitation for Spiritual Refreshment

Jesus invited His disciples saying, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31)

Today Jesus still invites His followers to a quiet place for rest.  Some people long to put aside, for a short time, the distracting noise of daily life and the never-ending demands of work and family.  They long for a period of quiet escape from the inner noise created by to do lists, self doubt and criticism.

If you desire a time for quiet reflection, with a professional’s guidance in ways to speak with God that help you hear His responses, spend time for renewal and spiritual refreshment at The Sanctuary in Stone Harbor, NJ.

The Sanctuary is my private residence made available as home base for spiritual quiet time.  It is one block from the Atlantic Ocean, on the edge of Stone Harbor’s 21-acre Bird Sanctuary.