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Activities of the Rumi Society are suspended publicly due to the Pandemic. We are using Zoom for our monthly Zikr see the contacts section for the e-mail.

"The beautiful human being is the one who lives in beautiful understanding with people."

Sheikh Sherif Baba

Who we are:

The Vancouver Rumi Society (registered at Victoria, BC Canada) is the inheritor of a long line of local societies and groups. Starting in the 1970’s with Reshad Feild and Suleyman Loras Dede it has been involved in education and charity work. It has put on Zikr (chanting) and Whirling (Sema) Ceremonies on an almost continuous basis and has public speakers who give talks on Sufism on request. We have been involved with many other mystical and religious denominations in the spirit of cooperation and cultural exchange. The overall purpose of the society is to promote the understanding of the spiritual unity underlying all religious truths. We organize spiritual gatherings open to people of all faiths. We encourage the study of all spiritual writings, focusing on the poetry and works of Moulana Jelaluddin Rumi, a mystic who lived and wrote during the thirteenth century (C.E.).


The Atesh Baz or Cook of Moulana