Computer Vision for Healthcare


Wenjin Wang received the B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering (in top class) from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 2011 and the M.Sc. degree in Artificial Intelligence (with full scholarship) from University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2013. In 2017 (October 23rd), he received the Ph.D. degree from Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, by defending his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Robust and Automatic Remote Photoplethysmography". 

Currently, he is a scientist at Philips Research Eindhoven, working on camera based health monitoring. In June 2019, he was appointed as the assistant professor of Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, closely work with the Electronic Systems group and Signal Processing Systems group of the Department of Electrical Engineering, on the research of "camera based health monitoring". He is a guest editor for IEEE-JBHI and Sensors, associate editor for IET Healthcare Technology Letters. He is now involved in a MSc course teaching (Video Health Monitoring) at TU Eindhoven. He is working on the Philips VitalEye product.


If you are interested in my doctorate defense ceremony on rPPG, please find my PhD thesis, defense video, and defense slides here. [PhD thesis] [defense video] [defense slides]

Our POS paper received the Best Paper Award (2nd place) from TBME after 7 years since its publication in 2016. Only 3 lines of Matlab code! Time will tell.


(New!)  We have 1 journal paper accepted by IEEE-TIM (IF: 5.6). Combining multi-wavelength PTT features and multi-site PTT features measured by a camera for more robust blood pressure estimation! The method was validated on 20+ ICU patients. We are implementing it into the product

(New!)  We have 1 journal paper accepted by IEEE-JBHI (IF: 7.7), addressed the important issue of privacy protection for camera-based sleep monitoring by using a defocused camera, i.e. optically blurred images secure the privacy but still allow certain measurement of human physiology and semantics for sleep analysis. Seems like a final product solution for sleep monitoring! Will be transferred! !

(New!)  We have 1 journal paper accepted by IEEE-IOT (IF: 11.1), first time using camera-based respiratory imaging to assess the lung rehabilitation of thoracic patients after surgery, and benchmarked it with CT/X-ray ground-truth. Very interesting!! 

(New!)  We are organizing a new special issue on IEEE-JBHI  (IF: 7.7), namely "Camera-based Health Monitoring in Hospitals". Submit a journal paper! 

Check our special issue here:

We have 7 papers accepted by IEEE-EMBC 2024, on various interesting topics  including PAT justification, camera-BP measurement, fitness, camera-exposure smart control, infant actigraphy, etc. 

We have 1 journal paper accepted by IEEE-TIM (IF: 5.6). A dual-center clinical study of camera-based cardiorespiratory monitoring (HR, HRV, RR, RRV) on 50 preterm infants! Data was collected over 2 years!

We have 1 journal paper accepted by IEEE-JBHI. We conduct a multi-center clinical trial in 4 hospitals to investigate the infant sleep-wake classification based on facial attributes. The designed algorithm was implemented on an embedded chip for real-time processing and we made it open-source, very fast!

We have 1 journal paper accepted by IEEE-JBHI, a new approach that uses defocused speckle imaging to measure SCG signals from cardiac contractions for remote HRV monitoring, very interesting! !

We will organize the 7th CVPM Workshop on CVPR 2024, please consider to submit a paper and join the workshop! The submission deadline is March 1st, 2024. Submission site is

(New!) We have 1 journal paper accepted by IEEE-TBME, a new measurement principle that uses multi-spectral depolarization of skin-tissues for living-skin detection. It only requires 5 lines of Matlab code! 

We have 1 journal paper accepted by Biomedical Optics Express, the first clinical showcase of camera-based monitoring of *absolute* SpO2 values on preterm infants in NICU (MAE < 4%).

We have 2 journal papers accepted. One is by Nature NPJ Digital Medicine (IF: 15.357),  a review on clinical applications of video health monitoring, the other is by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, on camera-based blood pressure monitoring (IF: 5.332).

We have 4 papers accepted by IEEE Healthcom 2023 (Chongqing, China), on topics of infant HRV, sleep privacy protection, infant sleep analysis and  contactless blood pressure.

We have 1 paper accepted by Military Medical Research (Springer Nature, IF: 21.1, TOP medicine journal), on the topic of intelligent stethoscopes. The first paper collaborated with Prof. Nanshan Zhong (钟南山院士,共和国勋章获得者).

We have 1 paper accepted by IEEE-IoT journal (IF: 10.238), on the clinical trials we organized for camera-based ICU patient monitoring, to support the claims of FDA and NMPA registration as the medical device.

We have 2 papers accepted by IEEE-BHI 2023 (Pittsburgh, USA), focused on plantar perfusion imaging for PAD diagnosis and intelligent stethoscope based on Transformers...

We organized a tutorial on CVPR 2023 (Canada) "Contactless Healthcare using Cameras and Wireless Sensors" [Link]

Organizers: Wenjin Wang, Xuyu Wang, Daniel McDuff

We organized a tutorial on ICASSP 2023 (Greece) "No Touch Needed: Contact-Free Physiological Sensing for Fitness and Healthcare Using Cameras and RF Signals" [Link]

Organizers: Chau-Wai Wong, Min Wu, Chenshu Wu, Wenjin Wang

We have 12 papers accepted by IEEE-EMBC 2023, a new milestone collaborating with hospitals!!! including NICU, ICU, sleep staging, thoracic surgery, blood pressure, SpO2, fitness HRV, infant acoustics, etc.  

We have 2 papers accepted by CVPM 2023 on CVPR! about eye state monitoring of ICU patients, infant body attributes estimation.

We have 3 papers accepted by IEEE ICASSP (including wireless stethoscope, ICU hand hygiene monitoring, automotive HR monitoring). ICASSP is the top speech/audio conference.

General announcement

1.  The 6th CVPM workshop will be organized at CVPR 2023 (in Canada)! Submission deadline is March 10th, 2023. The submission site is here, welcome to submit ! 

Organizers: SUSTech, Google Research, TU/e, MIT

2. We received the 2nd Prize of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Prize Paper Award from IEEE 2022, for the paper "Algorithmic Principles of Remote-PPG" published on TBME.

3. IEEE JBHI special issue 2022 

We are going to organize a new special issue for IEEE-JBHI (impact factor: 5.772), namely "Camera-based health monitoring in real-world scenarios". The SI focuses on concrete and societal values of camera-based health monitoring in real-world applications (e.g. clinical trials, products). After so-many years  R&D, it is time to show its values in applications and realize our promises deposited in earlier articles.  The SI submission site is Here.  Welcome to submit!

4. CVPM workshop on CVPR 2022

We are going to organize the 5th International Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM) on CVPR 2022 (fully virtual). The submission site is Here, submission deadline is March 10th, 2022. ACCEPTED workshop papers (with 70% extension on content) will be encouraged to submit to our special issued on IEEE-JBHI! Welcome to submit!

5. IEEE BHI 2021

We are invited to organize a special session of "Contactless Vital Signs Monitoring for AI Health" on IEEE-BHI 2021 (fully virtual, July 27th - 30th, 2021). Here is the Link. We invited 5 speakers contributed to our Elsevier book to give keynotes, including camera-based and RF-based wireless health monitoring.

Organizers: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research), Xuyu Wang (California State University, Sacramento)

6. CVPR tutorial 2021

We are invited to organize a tutorial on "Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement and Health Care" on CVPR 2021 (fully virtual, June 19th - 25th, 2021). Here is the Link.

Organizers: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research), Gerard de Haan (TU Eindhoven), Lalit K. Mestha (UT Arlington), Xiaobai Li (University of Oulu), Shiguang Shan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

7. CVPM Workshop on CVPR 2021 

We are going to organize the 4th International Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM) on CVPR 2021 (fully virtual, June 19th - 25th, 2021). Here is the submission website for CVPM workshop (submission deadline is March 5th, 2021). We look forward to your submission!

Organizers: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research), Daniel McDuff (Microsoft Research), Sander Stuijk (Eindhoven University of Technology)

8. Special Issue on IEEE-JBHI journal (Impact factor: 4.217)

We are currently organizing a special issue of "Camera-Based Monitoring for Pervasive Healthcare Informatics" on the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI, impact factor: 4.217). The special issue will recruit papers on camera-based healthcare applications. See here for submission.  The reviewing starts as soon as you submit the manuscript.

Guest editors: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research, TU Eindhoven), Steffen Leonhardt (RWTH Aachen University), Lionel Tarassenko (University of Oxford), Caifeng Shan (Philips Research), Daniel McDuff (Microsoft Research)

9. Special Issue on Sensors (Impact factor: 3.275)

We are currently organizing a special issue of "Contactless sensors for healthcare" on Sensors, aiming at various contactless sensing modalities for health monitoring (especially the use cases combating COVID-19). It is not limited to cameras, but also includes other wireless sensors, such as radio frequency, acoustic, capacitive and magnetic sensors. See here for submission. The reviewing starts as soon as you submit the manuscript.

Guest editors: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research, TU Eindhoven), Steffen Leonhardt (RWTH Aachen University), Daqing Zhang (Telecom SudParis/Peking University), Bert den Brinker (Philips Research)

10. Tutorial on CVPR 2020

We are selected to organize a tutorial on CVPR 2020 (Seattle, Washington, U.S., June 14th - 19th, 2020). The tutorial is entitled "Contactless health monitoring with AI". It is the first time for us to bring camera and RF sensing (e.g. radar, WiFi, RFID, etc.) together for health monitoring on CVPR tutorial. The tutorial consists of three parts: camera-based monitoring, RF-based monitoring, camera+RF based monitoring. [link]

Organizers: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research), Gerard de Haan (Eindhoven University of Technology), Shiwen Mao (Auburn University), Xuyu Wang (California State University, Sacramento), Mingmin Zhao (MIT)

11. CVPM Workshop and Challenge on CVPR 2020

We are going to organize the International Workshop and Challenge on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM) on CVPR 2020 (Seattle, Washington, U.S., June 14th - 19th, 2020). Here is the submission website for CVPM workshop (submission deadline is March 1st, 2020). Here is the list of accepted papers for CVPM 2020.

Organizers: Wenjin Wang* (Philips Research), Xiaobai Li* (University of Oulu), Daniel McDuff (Microsoft Research), Sander Stuijk (Eindhoven University of Technology), Hu Han (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Antitza Dantcheva (Inria), Guoying Zhao (University of Oulu), Shiguang Shan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)


I am involved as the Technical Program Committee for IEEE-MELECON conference 2020 (Palermo, June 16-18, 2020). Please consider to submit a paper to the Track of Smart Health Care. We will review.

13. Tutorial on CVPR 2019

We are invited to organize a tutorial on CVPR 2019 (Long Beach, CA, U.S., June 16th, 2019) [Here is the link]. The tutorial is entitled "Camera based physiological measurement". We will give an (in-depth) overview on the recent advances in this field, and also the *latest* technologies/propositions developed by our group for various applications (e.g. VitalEye product, Vital Mirror, Vital Signs APP, etc.) and tested in clinical trials. Some things are first time to show!

Organizers: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research), Sveta Zinger (Eindhoven University of Technology), Gerard de Haan (Eindhoven University of Technology)

14. Invited session on EMBC 2019

We are going to organize an invited session on EMBC 2019 (Berlin, Germany, July 24-27, 2019). The session is entitled "The future of optical health monitoring - Measuring vital signs and brain activity non-invasively".

It will be the first session that brings camera/optical based vital signs monitoring and brain activity monitoring together. Seven speakers from both areas will present their works at the session and discuss opportunities of bringing these two technologies together in a joint effort with the audience. Look forward to meeting you and discussing with you at the session! [Here is the flyer] [Here is the website]

Organizers: Wenjin Wang (Philips Research), Hubin Zhao (UCL & Cambridge University), Sander Stuijk (Eindhoven University of Technology)

15. Launched Vital Signs APP!

In the collaboration with an insurance company, our vital signs monitoring functions have been built in a commercialized APP and launched (i.e. a core algorithm and a processing architecture have been used). You can download here...




(NEW!) Our Elsevier Book 《Contactless Vital Signs Monitoring》 is online now! A first book that systematically introduces various contactless and wireless sensing technologies (e.g. camera, radar, WiFi, acoustics, RFID, etc.) for vital signs monitoring and healthcare! [Book link]

Book editors: Wenjin Wang, Xuyu Wang

Book chapters 

Journal papers    

(The paper collaborated with Prof. Nanshan Zhong 钟南山院士,more results are coming...)

"A delayed article,... MR/CT medical imaging is a valuable showcase for camera-PPG."

"simpler is better, measure respiration in 10 lines code ..."

       "home-built light source. An important part of product but has been overlooked..."

        "still simple and understandable, in a few lines of Matlab code..."

Conference papers 

Patent applications/grants