The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Delaware Association is a great way to stay connected with fellow RPCVs in Delaware.
The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Delaware Association is a great way to stay connected with fellow RPCVs in Delaware.
In 2025, we are ramping up social events and volunteering opportunities.
RPCVS in Delaware (or Nearby): Send an email to and receive updates on upcoming activities!
Upcoming Events
March 5: Coffee chat at BrewHaha in Newark at 10am.
March 29: Beach clean up at Herring Point. Contact or Brad at to volunteer!
Sign up to the email list for future meetings and updates here:
Join and You'll Get to Participate in Activities Such as:
Getting to know fellow RPCVs during low-key, fun coffeehouse chats
Volunteering opportunities throughout the state
The chance to share your Peace Corps story with local students