Laboratory for Cognition and Action
Updated June 14, 2021
Lab Aims
The Laboratory for Cognition and Action, located at 419 Olmsted on the University of California, Riverside campus, is one of the only labs in the world concerned with the cognitive psychology of physical action control. We use behavioral and computational methods, informed by neuroscience, medicine, kinesiology, and robotics, to explore the means by which people (and animals) plan and control body movements. We are especially interested in tasks requiring reaching and grasping of objects and in tasks requiring walking. Our work has implications for skill training, physical therapy, safety engineering, and robotics
Lab People
Many undergraduate students, graduate students, and visitors work or have worked in the lab. Current graduate students are Iman Feghhi, Dylan Louth, and Hunter Sturgill. Former graduate students and their latest known coordinates are Jason Augustyn (US Army Natick Soldier RD&E Center), Liana Brown (Trent University), Chase Coelho (Exponent Human Factors), Rajal Cohen (University of Idaho), Amanda Dawson (MossRehab), Jeff Eder (Cleveland State University), Cathy Elsinger (NordicNeuro Lab), Lanyun Gong, Matt Gaydos (University of Wisconsin), Steven Jax (MossRehab), Cory Adam Potts (MossRehab), Esa Rantanen (Rochester Institute of Technology), Joe Santamaria, Jackie Shin (Indiana State University), Robrecht van der Wel (Rutgers University-Camden), and Matt Walsh (Carnegie Mellon University). Former undergraduates include Peter Salovey (President, Yale University).
Lab members at the last meeting of the 2009-2010 academic year.
Lab members at the last meeting of the 2017 academic year.
Videos From The Lab
Rosenbaum, D. A. (2021). Choosing what to do: Observations from a psycho-motor laboratory, including the discovery of pre-crastination. Talk given at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior (SQAB), May 22-23.
Zoom talk given to the Mon-Williams Lab, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds, England, October 5, 2020.https://ucr.zoom.us/rec/share/5YgWyUdlp5gCCGoueIORioKyHfkZpLzgBf1dADLJmJYBECQEiaWu-5SQwTYc0EKp.ltBnhRCMf0zJnW1e Passcode: 3Q.t!=Gf
Colloquium at Michigan State University, March 13, 2016.
Tribute to Jonathan Vaughan (Hamilton College), long-time collaborator and friend of the lab. Click on the URL below or type "jon vaughan tribute" in YouTube
Haptic tracking task [PDF]:

End-state comfort in cotton-top tamarin monkeys [PDF]:
Getting Involved
The lab welcomes inquiries about getting involved with the research. Contact David Rosenbaum (david.rosenbaum@ucr.edu).