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Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtla Gutiérrez

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Ph.D. Thesis: Model-Based Fault diagnosis observer design for Descriptor-LPV System with unmeasurable gain scheduling.

Education / Professional Studies:

2012- 2014: PHD in Automatique. Joint supervision CENIDET-CRAN

Research center of the Cran University, France. Dissertation date: December 5.

2005 - 2008: Master Science in Electronic Engineer. Esp. Automatic Control by the National Center of Research and Technological Development (CENIDET), Morelos, México). Dissertation date: February 29.

2000 - 2005 Electronic Engineer in Telecommunications by Technological Institute of Tuxtla Gtz, Chiapas, México). Dissertation date: February 15.

Research Activities

I am interested in

    • Observer, control, and diagnosis for nonlinear and complex systems (including state estimation, LPV modeling, TS modeling, fault detection and isolation and control design)
    • Pipelines leaks detection and isolation.


Medalla de oro al Reconocimiento al Mérito Estatal de Investigación, Categoría: Joven Investigador. Gobierno del estado de Chiapas, México, 2015.

2013-2014. Beca de excelencia Eiffel por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Francia.


Julio Alberto Gúzman Rabasa. Design of Takagi-Sugeno observers with polyquadratic Lyapunov functions and its application to fault diagnosis.

Ildeberto de los Santos Ruiz. Detection and location of leaks in pipeline networks trough deep learning techniques and principal component analysis.

Samuel Gómez Peñate. Fault tolerant control of Takagi-Sugeno systems with inexact premise variables.