André Romahn

I am an assistant professor (tenure track) at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) at the University of Düsseldorf.

Contact Details

University of Düsseldorf


Universitätsstraße 1

40225 Düsseldorf


romahn [at] hhu de


You can download my CV here.

Working Papers

Reliable Estimation of Random Coefficient Logit Models of Demand, with Daniel Brunner, Florian Heiss and Constantin Weiser, R&R at the Journal of Econometrics


Evaluating the Impact of Online Market Integration –Evidence from the EU Portable PC Market, with Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski and Frank Verboven, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2023, DOI: 10.1257/mic.20200254

Are Online Markets More Integrated than Traditional Markets? Evidence from Consumer Electronics, with Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski and Frank Verboven, Journal of International Economics

Pass-Through by Multi-Product Firms, with Richard Friberg, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2018

The Impact of Online Sales on Consumers and Firms: Evidence from Consumer Electronics, with Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017

Divestiture Requirements as a Tool for Competition Policy: A Case from the Swedish Beer Market, with Richard Friberg, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2015