Senior Financial Sector Expert in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department at the International Monetary Fund and a research associate at CAMA.

Views are personal, and should not be attributed to the IMF, its management, or its Executive Board.

Research Interests

Macroeconomics; Monetary and macroprudential policies; Functional data.

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Latest work

When should macroprudential capital buffers be released? with Mario Catalan

Does extreme weather make inflation harder to forecast? with Abhiprerna Smit and Güneş Kamber. [presentation]

Journal publications

The dynamics of economic functions: Modelling and forecasting the yield curve with Clive G. Bowsher. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 103, No. 484, December 2008, 1419-1437.

Do credit market shocks drive output fluctuations? Evidence from corporate spreads and defaults. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Vol 36, April 2012, 568-584.

Stationary and Nonstationary Behaviour of the Term Structure: A Nonparametric Characterisation with Clive G. Bowsher.  Applied Mathematical Finance, Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2013, 137-166.

Capital regulation and the macroeconomy: Empirical evidence and macroprudential policy. European Economic Review, Vol 95, June 2017, 125-141.

Shadow banks and macroeconomic instability with Ben Nelson and Pier Alessandri. Journal of Money, Credit & Banking, Vol .49, Issue 7, October 2017, 1483-1516. [code][technical appendix]

Monetary and macroprudential policies under rules and discretion, with Lien Laureys. Economics Letters, Vol. 170, September 2018, 104-108. [code]

Optimal simple objectives for monetary policy when banks matter with Lien Laureys and Boromeus Wanengkirtyo [CAMA]. European Economic Review, Vol. 135, June 2021. [code]

Heterogeneous beliefs and the Phillips curve, with Francesca Monti. Journal of Monetary Economics,  Vol. 139, 2023, 41-54 [Working Paper (2019 version)] [CAMA (2022 version)] [slides][VoxEU]

Negative interest rates: A survey, with Luis Brandão-Marques, Marco Casiraghi, Gaston Gelos, and Güneş Kamber. Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 16, 2024. [Croaking Cassandra] [Conversable Economist] [SUERF policy brief] [CESifo report]

Policy publications

Credit crisis casts shadow over commercial real estate. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Letter Vol.3, No.12, 2008.

Republic of Korea: Macroprudential Policy Framework and Tools. Technical Note, Financial Sector Assessment Program, 2020.

Adapting central bank operations to a hotter world: Reviewing some options, contributor. Network for Greening the Financial System, 2021.

Germany: Macroprudential Policy Framework and Tools. Technical Note, Financial Sector Assessment Program, 2022.

Monetary policy with uncertain inflation persistence, with Luis Brandão-Marques and Vina Nguyen. IMF Working Paper, 2024.

Selected discussions

2024 Fed Day Ahead Conference on Financial Markets, Goldberg and Lopez-Salido, '"Sowing the wind" monetary policy'

2017 Essex Finance Conference (EFiC), Lamers et al., 'The trade-off between monetary policy and bank stability' [slides]

2016 CCBS Macro-finance Workshop, Aoki, Benigno, and Kiyotaki, 'Monetary and financial policy in emerging markets' [slides]

2016 ASSA - IBEFA Meetings: Alves, Bonfim and Soares, 'Surviving the perfect storm: the role of the lender of last resort' [slides]

2011 ESCB Day Ahead Conference: Schwaab, Koopman and Lucas, 'Systemic risk diagnostics' [slides]

2009 Sveriges Riksbank: Frame, Hancock & Passmore, 'Federal home loan bank advances and commercial bank portfolio composition' [slides]

2008 FRB Kansas City, System Macro Meeting: Gilchrist, Yankov & Zakrajšek, 'Credit market shocks and economic fluctuations' [slides]

Selected presentations & conferences

2021 IAAE Annual Conference; SKEMA Business School, Workshop on new directions for inflation forecasting [slides]

2018 RES Sussex; NuCamp/Indiana Macroeconomic Policy Conference; OFCE/Sciences-Po Workshop on Empirical Monetary Economics.

2017 Lancaster Workshop on Macroeconomic and Time Series Analysis. EEA Lisbon.

2016 National Bank of Slovakia: 'Optimal simple objectives for monetary policy when banks matter' [slides (note: different title)]

2016 European Monetary Forum

2015 ASSA - IBEFA Meetings; EEA Mannheim; ECB; Banca d'Italia; IAAE Thessaloniki; MMF Workshop Macroprudential Policy, Monetary Policy and Real Economic Activity; Joint BoE/ECB/CEPR and CfM conference on Credit Dynamics and the Macroeconomy, Co-organizer.

2014 CFCM Conference on Effective Macroprudential Instruments: 'Capital regulation and macroeconomic activity' [slides]

2014 University of Glasgow

2012 Banque de France-TSE Financial Stability seminar

2012 NASM Econometric Society, Northwestern

2012 University of Western Ontario: 'Shadow banks and macroeconomic instability' [slides]

2010 Belgian National Bank: 'Do credit market shocks drive output fluctuations?' [slides]

2009 Federal Reserve Bank of New York

2008 Texas Monetary Conference, FRB Dallas, Co-organiser 

2008 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco: 'The dynamics of economic functions: Modeling and forecasting the yield curve' [slides]